Licking my lips, I continued looking out at the clumps of trees surrounding the island. I propped my feet up on the desk once I took off my towel, leaving my hair slightly damped.

I twirled a lock of hair between my fingers, visualizing and reliving the moments I had with Ian.

Damn it, I miss him.

Why can't I have my life simple? Like other teenagers my age? Why does mine have to be filled with people leaving? Why does it have to be flooded with tears? Why do I get raised by the strict and business-money addicted family?

A few days away from home and I already feel light headed. A few days away from home and instead of enjoying what Castra Kappa Pi is giving me, I'm still stressing over my personal problems.

I ran my hands roughly, sinking them into my scalp. The more I thought about my horrid situation, the more disturbed I became and the quick-as-lightning I clicked on my pen while gritting me teeth.

Will my life ever turn upside down?

I want to escape my reality.

I need a place where I could get my head back in the game and not up in the clouds.

Technically, I'm being tangled and trampled in a web filled with firm difficulty: family, money, love, and the new adversity that tagged along: the dare.

Fuck, forgot that I need to fix up that situation as soon as possible.

What if I just give up and forfeit? Well, that's an easy option but not the right choice for I'll be losing money.

Well, look on the bright side, your family is loaded, you could regain that cold cash of $600.00. Wrong decision because I'll end up being an arrogant obssessed with money bitch.

Just thinking about it makes lines in ny forehead wrinkle and form. I leaned against my chair as I sighed, trying my best not to think of this any longer.

I was lost in my track of mind and train of gloom when a figure approached in front of my window.

Leaning forward to get a better angle of the person, I almost had a heart attack on the spot! Oh gosh, bless my eyes!

There stood a tall figure in his pants and his upper half completely bare, his sweat trickling down his face as his body glistened under the sun. His shaggy brown hair was up in his face as his chain necklace swayed as he moved. The guy had a strong, firm and solid six pack. His muscular arms were pretty match covered with a few tattoos. He had a bandana tied around his head.

Shit! It was Alex!

Hmm... I thought. We just came back from an exhausting and tiresome journey of activities and he is pushing himself to do this! I stared at the axe hanging over his shoulder, supported by his hand then my eyes grazed over at the stack of wood planted out.

I furtively observed as he brought out the axe, lifting it with mighty force then brought it back down for numerous times, causing the wood he was cracking open to break.

I placed down the pen I kept twisting in my fingers then slowly hopped out of the chair. Carefully, I pulled open the door then stepped outside just to cure my curiosity.

One Summer, One GoalWhere stories live. Discover now