My Fucking Schedule - Chapter 4

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I can't get the new kid out of my head. I don't know why, but I just can't forget the way he looked at me with his dark, DARK brown eyes out of my head. Almost black. But everything about him is like burned in my mind.


The way his purple hair flopped over his eyes, you could tell it has been a while sense he has had it dyed because his brown roots are growing in. The way the makeup under his eyes somehow makes them pop more, although I'm not so sure how much of it was actually makeup.


The way his cloths fit him. The tight black skinny jeans with rips up and down them, that hoodie with the rips and tears, it was honestly art. I mean everything about him from his nose pericing to the way his shoes match his hoodie was... gorgeous.


"Logan..." I say quietly. "Would you please stop the tapping..."

"Actually I'm not quite sure I can, you see, I am trying to..."

"Hey, bud. You don't need to explain, just... Do your thing."



Dr.PeePeePooPoo pulled me out of my room to talk to me once again. This dude must be obsessed or something. He pulls me into his office and explains my schedule to me.

Every morning I wake up at 6:30am and I have till 7:30am to be ready for breakfast. I go to breakfast and have to eat everything on my plate which should be done by 8:00am. Once I do that I go to my first therapy for the day. Which will last like an hour.

Then I get two hours of scheduled activities, or monitored relaxing time. Then I go to lunch which again I have to eat everything, should be done with that by 1:00pm. After that I go to group therapy which lasts till 3:00pm. We are then allowed to go hang out (still monitored) but during this time there aren't any separate activities to do, so we are low-key forced to hangout with one another.

Then between 5:00 and 6:00pm we eat dinner. Get this, after we go to dinner we see the shrink AGAIN for another hour. We are then allowed to go get ready for bed, and lights have to be out by 9:30pm.

After Dr.Pork explains all that garbage to me I am allowed to go back to my room, and THANK GOD. I go to my room and see Patton on his bed. He's sitting up there bouncing his legs and shouting random things.

As much as I don't really want to, he actually seems like he might be a pretty cool friend. I get on my bed and and grab my bag, looking through it to find...well...pills. It took a long time, but I cleaned out a toothpaste bottle like a year ago to hide stuff in... I hid some STRONG painkillers in there.

Even though Patton is on the top bunk, I turn so I am facing the wall. I push 3 out, knowing I have ALOT in there, and I down them all. I slide the bottle back into my bag and then turned around to see Patton HANGING OVER THE BED looking at me.

"Whatcha fuck doin?" He asks, but then gets embarrassed because he realizes what he said.

"Not much, I was just...looking in my bag for um.. OH my uh my toothbrush. But all I found was toothpaste." I say hoping he didnt catch my lie.

"OH," his eyes light up, "you can go down to the pumpkin to the front pumpkin no, the front desk and ask for pumpkin a toothbrush..." he thinks to himself before telling me that his pumpkin tic is a really rare one. He then shrugs and goes back to bouncing his legs and shouting words.

I fall back on my bed, it's been a long ass fucking day.


I hope y'all liked that chapter, I for one do actually really like it. I'm really enjoying this book so far. Also, hella excited for what's coming up in the next chapter. As always, leave any feedback, or fun ideas you have about the book. I do love reading all the comments I get. But for now, well

Peace. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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