I Dont Need It - Chapter One

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     I'm in my room listening to my parents fighting once again. I swear they fight every fucking day, I'm fucking tired of it. As the yelling gets worse I throw in my earbuds, and suddenly get really sad. I go over to my closet and pull out a bottle of beer, one beer isn't going to get my drunk, but it will ease the pain and make me numb again.

     I mean, if I'm gonna have a beer, a couple pills couldn't hurt either. I pull out a couple pain killers and take them with my beer. I set the drink on my bed side table and flop over onto my bed, grabbing the beer once more I take another sip feeling myself numb more at the touch.

     As I drink I pay attention to the way it feels in my mouth, and then running down my throat. The way it settles into my stomach making me heavier. It always calms me.

     "VIRGIL..." My mom is at my door, good thing I locked it or else she would be in here right now.

     "Yeah," I respond in a annoyed voice hoping she would just leave. I already knew she wouldn't, she's always so worried about me, it drives me up a WALL.

     "Can I come in Sweetie, I wanna make sure your ok."

     "I'm ok mom." I say getting even more angered.

     "Can you just let me in." I hid my beer behind my bed frame and open my door. I can already tell she smells it on me.

     "Have you been drinking again, I told you to stop doing that. You're going to get addicted, you probably already are."

      "I'm not addicted..." I say rolling my eyes, "...I don't depend on it, I don't need it, therefore I'm not addicted. I could live without it, I just CHOOSE not to."

     "Well, me and you father... talked ...and we both think it would be best if you go...somewhere else...somewhere where you could get some help with your addiction."

     "YOUR SENDING ME TO REHAB. I don't NEED Rehab, I TOLD you I'm not addicted. You guys are fucking crazy." I grab my bag and push past my mom. As I head to the front door dad tries to stop me, but I put my earbuds back in and storm out.

     As I stomp out of the house I already know where I'm going to go. I start heading to the park, as I get closer I call my friend Thomas to see if he wants to hang out. Luckly, he can and I tell him to bring some extra stuff.

     Once we are both here I make sure he has it and we walk into the Port'a Potty. It's not the nicest place, but it's better than nothing. I pull the money out of my bag and trade it for the weed Thomas got me.

     The deal is done, and he is gone. I wonder into the forest making sure I'm far enough that no one would see me. I get it out and roll it into a tight joint before grabbing my lighter and lighting it up.

      I have been waiting for WEEKS to get this, and now that I have it I feel TEN TIMES better. So I might have a small addiction, but I have control, I can stop when I want. I just don't want to. After smoking like half the joint I stop knowing that I do have to go home, I'm also already pretty fucked, so I should stop. After one last hit I put it out and tuck it safely in my pocket.

     I've been out here for a couple hours and I still don't really know what's going on, I figure I should go home and get all my stuff. I don't know quite were I am, but I'll find my way home, eventually.


I know it's a short intoduction, but tell me what you think. It should start picking up next chapter, and we might even start meeting other characters (^O oO^). Anyways, leave your opinions and suggestion, I love reading them.

Bye BB

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