Please Don't - Chapter 2

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     I wake up not knowing where I am, I rollover and realize I'm in the guest bedroom at my house. I take the Advil that's on the bedside table and slowly but surely get up and go downstairs.

     As I arrive downstairs I see my mom and dad sitting at the island talking, not yelling, but talking. My dad sees me and smiles a little my mom turns around and my dad starts speaking.

"Hey bud.." he never calls me bud, " me and your mother were talking and we both really think you should go to Rehab. I know you don't think you need to but we do."

"I've told you guys, I....AM....FINE." I shout as I turn around to go back up but my mom says something.

"NO, no your not, this morning We didn't know where you were, we were worried sick. I went out to look for you and found you past out over the mailbox down the road..." She has tears running down her face and I feel guilty, " can't say you are fine after that. I know your not, and you're going wether you think you need to or not."

     I feel really bad, but I know I have control, and I don't need to go I know I don't.

"Mom p-please don't send me t-there, I can prove I h-ha-have control, Please D-Dont." I say feeling my breathing getting faster. My dad starts talking as my mom turns away from me.

"I'm sorry son, your stuff is already packed, you will get checked in tonight." I turn and run up to my room, everything is packed. I feel myself starting to panic even more. I shut and lock my door as the tears start flowing.

"T-t-they c-cant s-s-send me a-a-a-w-way, n-not the-there." I curl into a ball and cry into my knees just whispering please over and over again hoping this was all some cruel dream.

     My body starts trembling as I cry harder, my thoughts shouting in my head, it feels like my world is falling apart. I I can't do this. I start to uncurl when another wave of panic comes, this one stronger than the last. As my thoughts get louder and I clench on to my knees harder, I pass out.

*time skip, your welcome. Or maybe your not, did you want me do describe him sleeping, Jesus don't be a perv, anyways bye*

     I wake up to someone pounding on my door. I have a killer headache then remember my attack, that explains the headache. They knock once more and I answer.

"Yeah" I say rubbing my head.

"It's mom, sweetie we need to get your things in the car, can I please come in so we can talk." I feel another tear slip down my face and walk over to my door letting her in. She instantly throws her arms around me making my flinch.

"Sweeting I'm so sorry," she says pulling away and wiping my tear. I know she is, and I know she doesn't want to harm me, but I don't think this will do anything for me but create panic. It's not like I need the help, I'm just taking up space for someone else who actually needs it.

     My dad walks in and and gives me a sympathetic smile before starting to grab my stuff. My mom rubs my arm before starting to get at it to. I hope they don't expect me to help, because I'm not going to.

     While no one is looking I go downstairs and grab one last beer, if I can't have one for who knows how long I may as well.

     I finish and throw it away, I'm not drunk, but you can smell the alcohol, and I ask you why should I care. It's not like I'm changing my parents minds. My mom finds me half asleep against a wall and my dad starts dragging me to the car, I kick at him and scream,

"Dad please, PLEASE" I beg hoping he would just drop me, but he doesn't. He forces me into the car and then locks me in, I pull on the doors just trying to get out.

"Mom, why are you making me go" I scream through the window, she looks away from me.

"I don't want to... I dont NEED to, I just want to stay here." My mom still doesn't say anything but instead has my dad unlock the door so she can get it. I take that moment to escape, but my dad is ready and he puts me back in.

I am screaming, balling, begging that they wouldn't make me but my mom grabs me my dad gets in and we leave, neither of them saying a word.


Anyways, next chapter Patton Roman and Logan will be introduced, and I know what I'm doing for Patton and Roman, but what should I do for Logan, any suggestions? Like should he be a counselor or another patient, thoughts???

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