XLVIII) Twenty-Six

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Rue's hands wrung together nervously as she looked about the house, but she hardly noticed. She ran out the night before to buy some more furnishings for her home, accompanied by more than enough decorations to fulfill her need for cheerful clutter, but it still didn't look complete. Whatever, it's enough for the guys. They probably don't care. Her stomach churned as a thought struck her hard. Ignis might. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the thought away, though she couldn't get rid of the cold sweat that broke out at its whisper.

"Think it's good, baby?" Rue murmured, holding Honey to her chest and pressing a kiss to the feline's soft head. Honey purred and tucked her chin onto Rue's shoulder, peering around the house with her bright amber eyes. "Yeah... It should be okay." She heard the sound of car doors slamming shut in her driveway and her heart fluttered. "Not that we have a choice." She hurried to the door, waited until someone knocked, and then slowly opened it up.

"You have a cat?!" Prompto cried, his eyes alight with excitement. Honey, alarmed, hissed and leaped to the floor, speeding away into Rue's room. The blonde sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Whoops. Sorry."

"No, it's okay," Rue reassured him, pulling him into a hug. Rayne stood outside, impatiently bouncing from one foot to the next. Gladio loomed behind her, looking around the yard and the front of the house.

"Nice place," he commented when Prompto finally got the line moving. "How long have you been here?"

"Less than a week," she sighed, looking over her shoulder. To her, it looked drab and lifeless, lit only by the warm rays of sunshine pouring in from the windows in the ceiling.

"I see you got unpacked without a problem," Rayne teased, heading toward the kitchen and setting down two glass bottles. Rue sighed; she should've known this was an excuse to drink.

"You have no idea how much junk is shoved in the spare room," Rue bit back, turning with a start to see Noctis awkwardly standing at the door with Ignis. He was holding a box and uncomfortably looking past her to Prompto.

"He, uh, wanted me to bring this so we had something to do."

"What is it?"

"A gaming console," Ignis answered for him, ushering the king inside.

Rue felt as though she should bow; it all passed so quickly she hardly had time to think. Blinking blankly, she turned to see Ignis standing there uncertainly. Pressing her lips together and, ignoring the flutter in her chest, she reached around him and shut the front door. Behind her, she could hear the others talking about the day and laughing as Prompto set the console up with her television. Clearing her throat, Rue looked back at Ignis.

"Sorry if you feel like you were roped into this."

"If anyone was, it's you," he replied easily, raising an eyebrow. She laughed, shaking her head.

"Yeah, I guess." Quickly, she turned and headed into the kitchen. Noctis turned onto his knees on the couch cushions.

"Hey, Specs. What's for dinner?"

"Are you deaf?" Rayne teased, uncapping one of the bottles and taking a drink. Gladio eyed her tiredly, knowing it was about to be another interesting evening. "We decided to order pizza."

"Sounds easier," Rue nodded cheerfully. Noctis seemed satisfied, turning back around and muttering something to Prompto. She wasn't sure what to do with herself; she was a terrible hostess, especially when she knew Ignis was still looming behind her. Rayne patted the stool beside her, grinning.

"Come here, Rue. You look lost."

"Maybe I am," Rue retorted, eager to get away from the discomfort. Rayne crossed her legs and shot Ignis a look when he passed by to speak to Gladio.

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