•A date to three•

Start from the beginning

America's POV

He is so hot when he think about something and while eating...! You can see, he is thinking about something... Maybe how he is going to date me?~ Or to fuc-
"Are you, free tonight?" he ask me.
FOR... A... DATE?!?!????!??!?!??!!!!?!!!
Okay... Calm down...: "Uh... Y... Yes! I'm totally free!"
"Oh great! We can...uh... Maybe go... Somewhere to eat? I mean, if you want of course!"
"Yeah of course!" I'm in paradise!!!~
"Cool! I will call you at 19:00 and pick you up!"
I nod and wish he is my husband right now!
It's 8:00 and he is still here. I want him to stay here for eternity!!!
He start to get up and tell me he have to call for school or they will call his father. And, I see his father one time in school when there was a reunion. He is tall and scary but looks like his son. Well, his son is hotter than him but still, he is okay too! I say he can call them here. He think, and agree. He call them and blablabla, he is sick, blablabla, he can't come after. For me obviously, but he say he have to go to the doctor. They save this on their computer and that's all. He come to me, with a smile, and sit next to me again. I blush... Hihi~ WHY IS HE SO PERFECT?!

We watch a movie but it's boring. I start to getting bored... I look at him, be is concentrate to the movie. I stare at him until he notice me. He notice and blush a little bit. Hihi! I know it! He likes me! He can deny it! He look at him and ask you need something?
I tell him: "I think you~ need something, don't ya?"
He look at me confuse. I giggle and jump on him, like cuddling him uwu! That's what Japan say... Idk why the hell she say that when she see a manga or a ship, and I'm not talking about the boat, if someone is lost with me with this weird weeb things... Anyway, I cuddle Russia and I think he appreciate! UwU (okay I stop X) )
We're like that for 10 minutes and no one wants to move. It's sweet...~ And I'm really comfortable on him so... We win together! But suddenly, a phone call. It's Russia's phone. He get up, I let him get up, and he check who calls him.

"Oh... It's Mexico... I forgot to tell him I don't come to school... I will check this out and come back okay?" Russia tell me. I nod with a smile. He go upstairs and go to the bathroom. Pfff... Mexico is ruining all my chance to get Russia! I want me and Russia to be together, that's all! But no... He have to get what he want... Every time!
After... 20 minutes I think? Russia came back with an anxious face... "What happen?" I ask him. He look at me: "*Sigh*... I don't know how to tell you, but..." he say with anxiety. He tell me quickly that Mexico is coming with us tonight.
I'm gonna kill him. That's it! I can't take it anymore!!! Is he serious?! He want to be with us... AND IT'S A DATE!
What a great new!!!...

Russia's POV

America look angry but he want to hide it. Me too to be honest... Mexico is... Really friendly... And he was my first friend sure... But, he can be very protective... With anger... I hope that everything will be perfect tonight! *laugh nervously*

At school...

Mexico's POV

He can't do that!
He is literally steeling my boyfriend!!!
Uh? Who is it? I turn my head and and see Canada. "I heard a laugh, so I wanted to saw who it was!" he say with a smile. "Awww... You're adorable... I'm okay don't worry! It's just a video... That's all!" I tell him with a big smile on my face.
He reply me with a smile too and go out of the bathroom. Yeah, it was awkward... But anyway, I will ruin this «fake date»? If it's a date, I'm gonna be furious. He is mine. And no one can touch him or even look at him! *Sigh* life is so unfair with me don't you think??

๑Not the same love๑ AU (♡Rusame ship♡ Countryhumans) FINISHWhere stories live. Discover now