Chapter 20 Alive And Breathing

Start from the beginning

He felt he was really smiling seeing them safe especially when an old man came and stood before him caressing on his head as he sat on a plastic chair sharing small talks with everyone "god bless you my child. I thought I'd come out of that stinking hell hole dead but I am here only because of you" he then lifted his hands and pressed them repeating Thank you" John noticed the old man's eyes tearing up.

He never felt better.

"John..." one of the young girls hissed. John remembered the skinny girl Sarah. She was helping everyone board the bus. She was very active and smart.

"Sarah" John called her with a smile but color drained from her face suddenly "how are you?" he asked.

She looked everywhere but his eyes nevertheless answered, "I am good." But the truth never reached her eyes.

"Do you have anything to say?" John asked bluntly.

Sarah looked like she'd bitten by a snake. She shrugged a little too vibrantly "no.. No no.." she repeated "its nothing"

John nodded but he wasn't convinced. Making a mental note of cornering her and getting the fact out of her he continued talking to others who shared that they had their own individual rooms and bathroom.

John's heart melted when a boy of probably ten stood and said "Do you know they feed us three meals in a day. They even give us fruits." He said.

"You are lucky" John ruffled his hair "you are growing into a man now"

The boy squared his shoulders glad at the compliment.

Each and everyone had something to share.

John couldn't thank this Richie rich Tom guy enough for his benevolence. He was indeed a nice person. He was glad that he was at a right place at the right time to save his son. He was sure that he'd turn out to be a great man just like his dad.

All this while John felt two pair of eyes at him but he ignored. He tried to have eye contact but she'd avert her eyes every time John looked at her.

"Can I have a glass of water?" John asked.

And just like he assumed it was Sarah who rushed a glass of water for him and he did not fail to notice how she'd carved SOS with the cold vapors on the glass.

He gulped the water in one go making a point to wipe off the alphabets nodding at Sarah in affirmation of message received.

"Now you all should do something. If food is available that doesn't mean you deserve it. You should work to earn your food and that will also give you respect" John stated casually.

"I am sure you all are good at something or other." John stated trying to look at everyone "why not teach it to your fellow men." He then looked at Sarah "you are good at drawing... uhmm..." he pretended to not know her name

"Sarah" Sarah stated a little nervous

"You can draw right?" he asked.

She was about to deny when John widened his eyes "You do. I vividly remember you saying that you will draw the speeding bus once you are free" John was cut throat lying but that was his only bait.

" Yes" Sarah agreed reluctantly "Why don't you teach young kids to draw."

"Okay? Sarah said rather asked.

John closed both his eyes, his gesture of understanding.

"Do you want to give me list of things that you need for your Drawing class?" John asked.

"Yes Yes" Sarah said more than excitedly "I will dictate them to you."

"Drawing class? Wonderful!" one of the wardens clapped excitedly "we once had a volunteer coming to teach children drawing" she smiled feeling useful and the need to show her presence filled "but she got transfers in her job. Since then there is no one to teach the kids." She frowned "they used to enjoy so much. Let me take you to the store where we have all the supplies.

"Wonderful" John exclaimed "you can start today Sarah"

Sarah who was disappointed of missing a chance to communicate with John through writing the list simply nodded.

"Where is the store?' John asked the warden "let me help you and get the stuff" he offered, "it's best to start as early as possible."

"Aren't you a darling" the warden drooled at the muscular John who volunteered to help "Follow me."

John wandered after the warden and stopped mid way "Sarah why don't you join us. You'll know what exactly you need to start the training.'
Sarah who was fiddling with her fingers nervously became alert now "ye..yeah sure" she stammered."

The warden looked around at the nervous girl but chose to ignore when John rested his hand on the not so small of her back chasing her to the room "I never got a chance to appreciate what you are doing for the children and people here.' He complimented her. He knew appreciation was the first step to win a page in someone's good books.


He had no idea

The middle-aged warden blushed at the compliment "no" she waved her hands "I get paid for my services."

"You are being modest here" John smiled at the lady "I am sure with your hard work and dedicated services you'd get a higher paid job anywhere else in the country."

"Did any one ever told you that you are very sweet?" the warden blushed more "thanks though"

"No problem" he waved her off.

The warden struggled with unlocking the door of the over stuffed room but John's one push and the room stuffed with innumerable items coated with dust was ajar.

Sarah coughed at the first inhalation of the dust.

John patted her immediately

"We don't get to clean this place often." The warden said guilty this time.

"I understand. It is a tedious task to manage such a big place" John consoled.

Sarah who was irritated by now shouted "how much butter did you have in your sandwich in the morning?"

"Huh" warden could not get the sarcasm

John however changed the topic "where do you think we can find the supplies?"

"It should be somewhere here" the warden looked around and then lifting the box she said "here it is"

"This box?" John pointed ta the huge carton inked with ART and she nodded.

In one swift motion John lifted the box smoothly but once in the air John screamed loudly and fell on the floor dropping the box along.

Holding his back, John screamed in agony "aaah! My back" he could barely manage to form some coherent words "jerk, bad!" he whimpered again in pain "some spray?" he managed to ask the warden who was surprised, shocked and had no idea what to do next.

"it's hurting." John yelped again.

Sarah who had immediately went to help John trying to hold him steady with her two delicate arms started mumbling "relax deep breath. Do you want a massage?" she asked.

John eyed the warden and once she was out of eye shot he immediately stood straight and asked "what is that you wanted to say?" he asked.

"You are fine?" she asked stunned "Please take care of your back, sprains can turn into spasms sometimes."

"It was a ploy" John dismissed her "now tell me what happened. She might be back soon"

Sarah breathed easily; still nervous she fidgeted with her fingers.

"You know you can trust me and tell me anything." John prompted her.

Sarah nodded and it took a lot of courage in her to utter following words "the men from that apartment we were hostages in." she spoke.

John pressed her shoulders for her to relax "I saw them here at the orphanage. They were moving around like they owned the place" She took a deep breath as if huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders and now she started crying "I don't think any one is safe here....."

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