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You where pacing back and forth in our room. Pepper had left. While ag leaving you with your thoughts what if he didn't turn up? What if he had forgotten? Or something came up in work and he forgot t tell you? Then there was a knock on the door and all your troubling thoughts went away.

Bruce stood there, looking just as equally as nervous as you. HE smiled when he saw you and you stepped out to greet him. It was nice to see him smiling again.

You made your way downstairs, and as you both exited the building you were happily talking to each other about everything and anything. You hadn't been this happy in a along time.

Soon enough you had arrived at the coffee shop and he opened the door for and you walked in.

You both ordered and were talking happily together until the drinks came. There were no awkward silences for the whole date. It was amazing, and you had never felt so happy.

As soon as you were both finish you payed and left. You had your hand in his as you walked down the streets. You stopped off in the park and sat on one of the benches. You had your head on Bruce's shoulder as you both looked up into the sky looking at the shapes of the clouds, pointing out the ones that stood out.

You were there for an hour, and the time flew by, you could feel your eyes getting heavy. You felt a vibration in Bruce's pocket and he pulled out his phone.

" it's Tony, sorry I've got to take this." You nodded knowing it was probably important.

" yes.... no Tony it was in the lab...... no I haven't...... no...... Tony!.....what, no of course not, I .....Tony stop.... okay I'll call you later.... no. Bye."

He put the phone down and hugged stiffing it back on his pocket.
" was everything okay?"

" what?, oh yes it was just tony being Tony." He laughed awkwardly.

" this is nice." You said to break the tension. " I would love to do this again with you bruce." He smiled warmly.

" yeah, how about dinner, tomorrow, 7 o'clock.?"

" sounds perfect ." you smiled at him, feeling happy and warm

You walked back to the tower hand on hand, and he walked you all the way up to your room.

You opened the door and turned to say one last goodbye.

" Bruce, I had a really great time today. Thank you."

"'It was my pleasure."

Before you knew it your lips were attached to his and he was kissing you passionately. It was amazing- equally as good as the first, and neither of you wanted to pull away. You loved every second of it until you were interrupted by a whistle.

You looked past Bruce to see Tony standing there smirking at his best friend. Bruce turns to see what you were looking at and flushed bright red when he saw Tony standing there. You were annoyed he interrupted so you grabbed the collar of Bruce's shirt and pulled him into you room and slummed the door shut behind leaving a bewildered Tony standing outside. He never knew Bruce to have that much gumption. But it was good to see. He had soon ran off to tell pepper what he had just witnessed.

Inside the room you pushed Bruce against the wall and kissed him again. His hands traveled from your waist up you back then back down again. Your fingers played with the hem of his shirt and you pulled apart so he could take it off, and he removed yours as well. You were matched onto each other again in no time and the evening was just started.

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