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You were tired, frightened and alone. You shivered in the pile of leaves and sat back against the damp tree. It had been rainy constantly since you lost the car. You were stuck here.

You hadn't seen the men for a day now. They hadn't found you and you were certain that they err no longer here looking for you. You wrapped a tight piece of cloth around the cut in your leg, stooping the bleeding- for now. You were in a desperate position. You hobbled back to the site of the car and sighed. There was no escaping this.

You were stranded. Left for dead in the middle of no where- in a forest. The car was unsalvageable. You checked the boot for any traces of the serum, and was pleased to note that there were none. You desperately searched the area for any help, but there wasn't any, no passing cars seeing as this was an unknown dirt track. Then you remembered your phone. You hobbled to the front of the car and looked in. You noticed your green and purple phone case almost immediately. You reached for it and grabbed it. You flipped open the case and turned it on, going straight into your contacts to call your friend: pepper.

It rang for a while and you silently begged her to pick up. When she did you jumped and winced at the pain shooting through your leg and you swore.

" hello to you too,"

" Pepper! Oh thank god you picked up, I was in a car crash. The car completely destroyed and I have no way to get home."

" oh my god are you okay?"

" apart from a cut just under my knee I'm fine."

" good I'll can send some one to get you. I'm Guessing you don't know where you are, right."


" okay, I trace the call from your cell. "

" thanks pep."

"No problem. How's your leg? Do you want me to call an ambulance. Or get someone down to look at it.?"

"No thanks. But can o erm can I stay with you for a while. I have a lot to tell you and I can't go back."

"Of course anything for you.  See you soon

You hung up and sighed in relief. Then the head lights came back.

The roar of the engine defends you as the vehicle came closer. The lights illuminated the damp leaves on the floor and raced straight towards you. It wasn't slowing down, and as a last minute precaution, you just about managed to jump out of the way.

As you landed you rolled. Leaves and mud got caught in your hair and all over you body and face. You felt a sharp pain in your right side as you were rolling down into the slight ditch next to the track. As soon as you were stationary, you put your hand on your side, as the effected area was now throbbing- then it spread through out your body. It went to your stomach, up you shoulders and down your arms and legs. Your mind swirled and your vision blurred. The pain was immense. You screamed out in pain. You felt your body throb and the pain was enough to make you pass out, but then something went wrong. You watched as your hands turned a dark shade of green. You watched as the colour traveled up your arm and around your body. You collapsed on the floor, panting in your hands and knees. A stand of hair fell in front of your face and you watched as the roots turned s darker shade of green, but stopped half way down. You heart rate quickened and your mind completely went black.

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