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"We don't have to be alone anymore" he said before he leant in and kissed you.
It was amazing, and you only pulle away for air.
" I'm sorry, I didn't mean...."
You stopped him by pulling him back n for another kiss.

"Don't apologise bruce, its okay" he blushed and you smiled .

"Your cute when you blush." He looked up at you and it was your turn. You wasn't supper to ay that it loud.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry, I want supper to say that out loud," you tried to explain before he kissed you again.

" don't apologise. " he said smiling reeling your own word.

"So, is that why you came up here?" You asked playfully,

"What, erm no I actually came to ask if ou would like to grabs coffee with me? But you don't have to it was just a suggestion, do you even like coffee?" He rambled and yo lashes.
" bruce,  would love to grab a coffee with you."

" great, lunch time okay?"
" perfect" he smiled and kissed yo o the cheek before leaving. Neither of you could wait for lunch tie. To pass the time you decided to call pepper.

You knocke on her office or and as soon as you heard her voice you ran in and locked the door behind ou.

"(Y/n) what's wrong?"

"Brucecametocheckuponmeandwekisdandheaskeifiwantedtograbacofffeewithhm" you said without takin a singl breath.

She looked at you slightly confused. "What?"

" Bruce came to check on me this morning, and we were talking doer awhile, then he kissed me and asked if i wanted to grab a coffee with him." You explained slower his time.

" oh my god, what?!" She shouted

"He kissed you? Was i good?"

"Yes, it that's not why i came. We are getting a coffee at lunch and I have nothin to wear." You sat in her office hair and spun around like a child.

"Right, well e have some shopping to do. In..." she looked at her watch." Well lunch is in 3 hours so we better go now."
She grabbed you and pulle you out of the office all the way own stairs whee he got one of the driver o take tying to the shopping centre.

" wait, pepper, i don't have any money."

" i know, that's why i bought this, " she said holding up a credit card.

"Isn't that..."
"Yep, Tony's credit card. Ou wont mind."
"Oh okay, as long as your sure."

You arrived at the shopping centre and pepper had you try on many different clothes. You bought more than what ou needed but you did Ned awhile new wardrobe so it ddt matter that much.

And hour later you were up in your room with pepper trying to decide what outfit you should wear. You decided on  a pair of black genes, a blue shirt with a cosy jumrer. (Image below.) pepper had oven you a nice bag and a purse with some money in it. You were all set for the coffee date.


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It was 11 and bee was panicking- s he went to his best friend - tony.

H ran not the la.

"Tony, tony!"

He appeared from behind a large computer screan.

"Jeez Bruce hat got your pants ina twist.?"


Tony looked at is best friend cluelessly.


This morning, i was worrying about (y/n) seent up to make sure she was okay. We were talking ora while,nd I don't know what happened but I kissed her and asked her on a date in an hours time. Oh god tony what do/i do."p

Tony was still in shock that bruce actually kissed you. That want the bruce he knew. And. Date.yeah, he definitely panicked.

"Well did she say yes." He nodded, "well,then what are you waiting for. You said you have an hour right, so go get hanged ,/wear something nice, be there a little early,by not to early and take her to.... here are you taking her?"

"To  get coffee."
"Pans take her to the coffee place. Just be yourself bruce,and don't panic. He payed him on the back filling him with confidence. And he done just as he said.

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