My Narrative Writing for English 2

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 When I was Younger I made lots of bad choices and I still feel bad about those choices that I made and I never really had many friends who talked to me but when I moved to Columbia I made a lot of friends very fast. The friends I made actually cared about me and my decisions and they kind of changed my point of view. I started making better choices for myself and it felt nice to know that I had people outside of family that cared. But there was one thing that I started doing that I did on my own and it made me feel better about myself. A few years ago, I think it was in 6th or 7th grade that I started watching a YouTuber named Jacksepticeye and last year he started supporting this company or something like that I am not exactly sure what it was but it is called PMA which stands for Positive Mental Attitude. When I watched the first video of Jack supporting PMA he talked about how his videos helped people get out of the dark place they were in because of how positive and happy he was all the time and so I learned from what he said in that video.

After I watched the video I decided that I wouldn't let people make me feel bad about myself I wanted to help people too so when I see my friends sad I like to talk to them and give them good advice. I don't like to see other people sad even if I don't talk to them every day they know that I am here for them whenever they need someone to talk to about their feelings and I still help them even if I feel sad because helping them makes me feel better because if I know that they want to fight someone I say "will hurting this person really make you feel better? Yes...but it won't make you feel better for long. You have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself...prove to yourself that you are the better person and don't give into them," I say that to my friends because I know that they trust me and when I say things like that. I feel like I am the balance to keep my friends from fighting or arguing I tell them to have a PMA and then I smile. I always come to school smiling (unless I am sleepy) and I walk into all my classes with a smile on my face and the same thing when I go home I am still smiling. When something bad happens I always try and stay positive and make the bad things be lessons to learn from so I don't make the same mistakes more than once.

Ever since I started watching YouTubers like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, or Crankgameplays I found that you don't look in the past you look towards the future you may not know what your future holds but the time we have now is the time we need to spend preparing for it but I also think that you should worry about what is happening now. If things in life get hard for me then I just tell myself that it always gets better that may not always be true though not everything gets better but it's better to think that things get better so you don't worry about the bad things that could happen. Most people who spend most of their life worrying about the past or the future most likely end up feeling sad or depressed but it's okay to worry sometimes I just don't like to make it a habit because, if I do then things, will only get worse for me and probably some of the people around me. I don't believe that people should just worry about themselves but they shouldn't just worry about other people they should do what makes them want to have a positive mental attitude don't do what other people want you to do and don't do things that make you feel worse. When I get older I really want to be like some of the YouTubers I watch and make people who don't feel like they are good enough to feel like they belong because everyone is amazing in their own way. 

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