Hurtful Love

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Your brown eyes make me lost

You will never love me

Like I love you

Your the one who shows me

Not to wanna die only to live it much harder 

You make me happy

Even when I feel crappy

Life can be hard but I pull myself up

For you

Cause I know I will one day be someone special

I always tell myself 

Maybe one day I can make a difference

You may have to hide your heart

 I always do

Wondering if I will find love

If I ever let you in I would cry

I always ask why

What is the point of crying?

What is the point of hiding

There is always that one person in your life that you would give your heart away too

Only to get it broken over and over again

You are filled with the pain and sorrow

Eyes filled with regret

wishing you two had never met

But I could never wish that

Not about you anyways

Nothing but your warm words too keep me here

 But your probably just like everyone else

 You like to hurt people

 You use them

I am gullible I will fall for you anyways

Hoping that one day you will change your mind 

But who would want someone like me 

And that I know who you see 

You see me as I see myself 

Ugly, stupid, weird, and crazy 

I can see it in your eyes 

You don't truly love me 

And I don't truly love I?

Someone once said that you have to love yourself before you could love anyone else

Well I guess I can't

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