I left

17 6 1

I left

you wanted to stay

you say you except it

and I guess you did 

but did you really?

am I crazy for leaving something special

what we had, what we were

Why I left

I loved two people

and I still do 

But I have to choose between both of you

but I love one more

I hate to say

I have to leave I am sorry

all I can say is that you were great

You treat me right

like no one else ever has

and I left

You stayed

you said you loved me and always will

but did I lie when I said it back?

I really don't know

feelings are strange

My life has been strange

My life has been rough and bumpy

you came around and showed me light

But I wanted to stay in the dark

all alone once more

With no one to tell me it is alright

We are still friends I know

But why you stayed with someone like me

You are my best friend

You show me light still

But it isn't as bright

I am sorry for leaving

But I couldn't live with myself if I didn't

I couldn't live that lie

Until I said goodbye

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