Lost in your mind (crazy thoughts)

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As you open your eyes

 You look up to the skies 

Then back down

You take a deep breath and eventually get up

Everything around you turns dark

How could this be? 

You're trapped in your own mind

Alone and scared

No way out

A light flickers on and off in the distance

You're slowly losing your sanity 

Running towards the light

But you can't catch up

You're too far gone

Now you're alone forever

You never got to tell your family goodbye

You never get to tell them you love them again

You shouldn't have done this

You made a mistake

Scars on your body

Not even time can erase 

You've done it now

You're all gone

And the sad thing is no one cared

No one missed you

No one stopped you

No one helped you

No one loved you

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