Break up

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I'm sorry

You made me so happy

And now your gone

I'm "fine"

It's a break up because it's broken

We were broken... I guess

I loved you... And still do

But that's okay

If you don't feel the same

I knew it was gonna happen

It always does

Your hugs are gone

Your support is still here

But why am I hurting?

Your not completely gone

Are you?

Life sucks, feelings suck, crying sucks

I can't stop the tears though

I have never felt like this... For anyone

Single life *smiles slightly*

Corner here I come

People there I go

My lights dim again

But it's okay.. I guess

It was fun... While it lasted

But now it's no longer here

The ship has sunk

People said that is would never sink

Well they were wrong

Am I crazy to love... To trust... To care?

All these things I need to be more aware

Slowly just going back to the old me

I will be "fine"

I have friends.... Your my best friend now

It's still not the same

Can I still love my best friend?

Can I still look and talk to you the same way?

Probably not

KillerKookieMonster PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now