The shadows(short story)

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A couple of years ago a group of teens went to an old abandoned asylum they all spend the night there so they can record any paranormal activity's before they went to explore they slit up into groups of two as they explored they saw shadows all over the place Anna and moonlight were scared but when Anna turned around Moonlight was just standing there her eyes slowly turned black then Anne heard her speak "GET OUT OR YOU WILL END UP LIKE HER ANNA." Anna ran screaming to the others they all scattered in fear running to separate rooms Anna hid in a closet then she heard a thump coming from outside of where she was then the closet doors swung open Anna felt someone or something push her she looked around only to see a shadow consume the light filled room she fell down she felt different when she fell then she ran screaming for all the others as soon as she found them all they started screaming what Anna didn't know is that she was not her she was trapped in her own body but she couldn't control it then she heard the same voice that was in Moonlight but it was coming from her body not moonlights anymore "I tried to tell her to leave or then she would end up like moonlight but did she listen? NO she didn't so now she is dead like you all will be if you don't leave." All the girls scattered once more they shouted and screamed some of them even cried but when they tried to leave they couldn't the doors wouldn't open they were permanently closed eventually they all died one by one.

eventually someone called the cops because they heard screams but once the cops got there it was already too late they had all died but instead of how they thought they died wasn't really how they died they really just went crazy and killed themselves there was blood everywhere things written on the walls along with this

the world will end

I thought she was my friend

but she lied

I tried and I cried 

tears of red and black

sleep is what you lack

but my life has come to an end 

and so has yours my dear friend

Good bye cruel world

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