Another Friend

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   You began getting more comfortable with yourself after being so friendly with Mikey. With raised confidence, you talked to more people on the internet and liked to blog more. People messaged you more often, you messaged back, then you found yourself getting more friends.

   There was one person in particular that seemed interested in you. It was a girl that was 16 and she seemed to really like your blogs... commenting on every single one of them.

   She messaged you.

   <Her: Hey! I just wanted to tell you I really like your blogs. I really think we could be friends ^^>

   <You: Thats so sweet of you. I'm (Y/n) and I'm 15.>

   <Her: I'm Tiffany. I'm 16 like my bio. In your bio it says you live in New York, is that true?>

   <You: Yeah.>

   <Her: I do too!>

   Conversations carried throughout the day, until you finally agreed to meet up with her. She told you that she was bringing her parents to be safe, so you did what you could to assure her you weren't a kidnapper.

   You decided to meet tomorrow on the weekend at one of the parks. It was nice to have that feeling of finally getting real friends, especially at your age.

   The next day rolled by and around 5:30 or so, you biked to the park you agreed to meet at and waited for someone to recognize you. You received a picture from Tiffany of a man, maybe in his late 40's or early 50's, then you looked around you to see if you could see him. She explained it was her father.

   He approached you as soon as the mothers and fathers took their kids home for dinner.

   It was just you and him.

   You awkwardly waved. "Hey... Are you Tiff's dad?"

   "Are you (Y/n)?"


   "I'm Grayson. I'm Tiffany's dad. She said you were fifteen. You look a lot older for your age,"

   "Thanks... I guess? Is Tiffany with you?"

   "Oh, she's just in the cafe. She was really scared about meeting so I just got her some food and told her I'd meet you. I'll buy you something too, just come with me so I can find my wallet,"

   You started following him from the park to his car and before getting within 10 feet of the car, you stopped.
"How did you buy her food if your wallet's in the car?"

   He walked towards you and you made note of where your bike was and heard nothing but his silence.

   "I think I should go,"

    You ran towards your bike and just as you were about to pedal away, he shoved you and the bike onto the ground, so you got off the bike and ran as fast as you could barely screaming for help with your struggling lungs. You found yourself outrunning him and hiding in a dark alley, wheezing and trying to keep yourself quiet.

   -Great... he can definitely hear you. I guess this is the day I die. What was i thinking, leaving my phone at home?-

   You heard his footsteps coming closer to your alley. Frantically, you searched for somewhere to hide, then you closed your eyes in fear as you saw him at the end of the alley, blocking the way out.

   A hand was held over your mouth and you felt yourself pulled up, thinking he picked you up but you didn't hear his voice. It was someone else.

   "Stay quiet. I gotcha, I'ma get you out of here,"

  You kept your eyes closed. The voice was extremely familiar, but you couldn't match it up with a face... yet for some reason, you trusted it. Your eyes didn't open until all the movements stopped and you were on the roof. About to turn around, the person's hands covered your eyes.

   "Woah woah woah, before you see me, you gotta promise you're not gonna flip,"

   "I... I don't understand... I promise,"

   Your eyes were uncovered and you stood up to brush yourself off and look at who held the face of the voice. It was a turtle.

   It was like a human... but it was green and had a turtle shell and strange protective gear.

    "Who..." you choked out, "...who are you?"

   "It's Mikey. Remember? We talk like... everyday!"

   "Mikey? Is this why you didn't wanna meet up? Because you're... you're.... huh. I thought you might've been one of those people," you peeked down from the roof to see the man walking away.

   "I actually couldn't tell if it was you or not at first because you only really sent one picture, but I could recognize your voice from like... a bajillion miles away. You're so much cuter in person!"

   He put his hands on your face and you laughed, shying away and looking at his big blue eyes that contrasted with his orange eye mask. It was that happy feeling again.

   "You're even sweeter in person," you giggled and gave him a quick hug.

   "Mikey! What is wrong with you? You can't just leave like that just whenever you..."

   Another turtle person came, only his mask was red.

   Two more came onto the roof and you felt a little less at ease. One was taller than all of them and had a purple mask and the other had a blue one which matched his eyes.

   "Mikey, I think..." You took a moment to catch your breath as it seemed to pump faster through your lungs, "I think I'm gonna pass out,"

   You held onto him and felt your reality go black for what seemed like a second to you.

   "Seriously? That's the girl you keep talking about? Is she really that weak hearted?"

    "Shushushsyhs RAPH, she probably just saw your ugly poop face and couldn't handle it,"

   "Hey, I'm not the ugly one here! Donnie is,"

   "Yeah-- No I'm not!"

   "Guys settle down, what do we do? Mikey, do you know where she lives?"

   "No way."

   "Well... maybe... We should leave her?"

   "Have you gone loco, Leo? She was being chased by some crazy old guy. We can't leave her here,"

   "Well--- what do you want me to do?? 'Bring her home'?"

   "Thats why you're the leader, bro!"

   You felt the world you couldn't see spin around you and what felt like freefalling. It all went by so fast and before you knew it, you were opening your eyes to a big empty ceiling.

   "Hey, you're waking up."

   "That was weird... and really embarrassing. Where am I?" You began to sit up and Mikey immediately stopped you.

   "Hold on, Donnie said that your low is pressured into being blood... wait---"

   "I said she has low blood pressure, shell brains,"

   You looked to the side and the taller turtle you saw before was standing by Mikey.

   "Just take it easy and drink some water and... I don't really know why you fainted. Do you take any medication?"

   You sat up slowly and immediately felt dizzy. "Iron. I have a really bad deficiency and I guess I forgot to take them. That guy really scared me,"

   "Well you got nothing to worry about now. Come on, lets get you home. I'll introduce my bros on the way out,"

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