Joey sighed, pointing at the door. "A customer that just left asked Phoebe for an autograph".

"Why you look so upset about that? It's actually really great that she has fans now", Alycia argued, not understanding what was going on.

"He's not a fan or her music", Joey replied, finding it kinda hard to talk about the situation. "He said Phoebe's a porn star".

"What?!", Alycia shouts in disbelief. "That can't...that can't be".

"Gunther saw her too", he shrugged.

"Gunther...", she repeated, cutting herself off. She noticed Gunther in the counter, probably hearing the conversation since he was looking their way. When he noticed he was caught overhearing, he turned around and started cleaning the coffee machine. "This is huge!", she added, turning to look at Joey. "Oh, that was not a right choose of words given the circumstances".

"What are we gonna do?", Joey asked her.

Their friend making porno movies was quite the revelation. Should they tell the others? Should they talk to her? It's not like they want to make her feel bad about the situation either. They want to be supportive...but it's just a lot to process when you first find out about it.

"We can see it for ourselves", she replied. "I can call Ross- cause let's be honest he has to know at least one adult movie store, and we check it out".

"Yeah, sound good", he agreed. "We tell the others and then...eventually, we talk to Phoebe about it".

"Great. I'll call Ross", Alycia said, heading over the back of the store to get to the phone.

"You want the usual?", he asked, heading to the back of the counter. "I'll just make it to go so you can meet with Ross", he smiled. "And I can say it's your birthday so it's free!".

"I've had like six birthdays in less than two months", she joked.

"Hey, not my fault Gunther's dumb enough to not keep track of every single one of them", he shrugged.


"Hey. Phoebe's not here, right?", Ross asked as soon as he walked into the apartment.

"No", Rachel reply. She was in the living room with Monica and Chandler.

"Oh, great! Did you bring a movie?", Monica asked, pointing at the bag Joey was holding.

"Not one you're gonna enjoy", Alycia replied.

"You didn't bring more of those movies that are gonna have us reaching for the tissues, did you?", Chandler asked this time.

Ross, Joey and Aycia exchanged a look. This situation was getting worse.

"Sort of", Joey shrugged.

"What's going on?", Monica asked again, confused by their answers.

Joey took the movie Ross got from the video store out of the plastic bag, showing it to them. "Phoebe is a porn star!".

Monica, Chandler and Rachel rushed over their friends to see if what he was saying is true. Chandler took the box out of Joey's hand, taking a closer look with the other two girls. Rachel gasped in susprise while Chandler read the title.

"Phoebe Buffay in Buffay, the Vampire Layer".

"Oh my god, that's Phoebe!", Monica exclaimed. "Where did you get this?".

"Well, I called Ross and he knew this adult place a few blocks down", Alycia explained, earning a look from her friend.

"I wouldn't...It's not like I know the adult place a few blocks down", Ross said, giggling nervously. "It's more like I...I happen to walk by and sort of recognize the location".

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