The first 20 or so minutes are very entertaining, but nothing comes of any chances.

In the 22nd minute Sofia intercepts the ball then she plays a ball up field to Moe. Moe is covered by one of the English women so she dummies the ball and it goest through both of their legs then the Georgian spins the English woman and runs on to the ball. Moe then sprints down the sideline closest to me with the ball with Nobbs is closing in on her.

"Wolf wolf wolf." I say as Moe sprints by me.

Moe picks her head up and see's Mal making a run so she plays a through ball into the forward's path. Mal runs onto the ball and runs towards goal, but Leah Williamson forces her wide. Mal does a few skill moves and drops Williamson then she crosses the ball into the box. Moe, who kept on running, jumps in front of Bright and heads the ball past the English keeper making the score 1-0.

"Bout time." I mumble as I return to the bench.

The girls on the field hug Moe then they return to our side of the field and England restarts the game.

Right before halftime Sam steals the ball from Ellen White then she boots it up field toward Christen. Christen being Christen turns on the jets and out runs everyone to the ball then she sprints towards goal. My brunette best friend then side foots the ball around the English Keeper giving us a 2-0 lead going into halftime.

"Well that came out of nowhere." Ali says as the ref blows her whistle for halftime.

The coaches and I head into the locker room and I use the bathroom, wash my hands, grab a Powerade, then wait for the team to enter the locker room. Once everyone is in the locker room I talk about what I liked and didn't like from the team in the first half then I make some adjustments on the tactical side of things.

"...Overall a very solid first half so good job on that. I'm not taking anybody off just yet so do whatever you need to do then lets got kill this game off."

The team nods so I finish off my Powerade then head out with everybody for the second half.

England restart the half so I relax in my seat for the first twenty or so minutes of the game since nothing happens.

In the 66th minute Sofia plays a weak pass back to Aubrey. Parris sees the pass is weak so she chases down the ball. Bledsoe comes off her line and makes like she's going to kick the ball upfield which causes Parris to jump in the air to block it. Aubrey then fakes the forward out and ball rolls her then passes to Staab.

"OH SHIT." I hear Ash yell as she, Jane, Alyssa, and I all get off the bench and celebrate Aubrey faking out someone.

"YEAH AUBREY." I yell then I hear a whistle blow so I look towards the whistle and see Mal down holding her leg.

As the AT's run onto the field I head over to Ali since she has the ear piece in.

"They're saying she has a full leg cramp." Ali relays. "And she needs to come out."

"Alright." I say then I look down at the subs warming up. "CRYSTAL."

Crystal looks at me and I wave her over so she comes jogging towards me.

"Yes coach?" Crystal questions.

"You're going in upfront for Mal." I say as someone hands Crystal her jersey so she puts it on.

"Alright." Crystal says then we walk over to the fourth official.

"You go to the left and tell Tobin to move to the right."

"Got it." Crystal says then she jogs on the field as Mal walks off.

When Mal gets to me I wrap an arm around her then help her to the bench.

"You alright Mal Pal?" I ask.

"Stupid cramps." Mal says as Lindsey approaches us.

"At least it's just a cramp." I say then Lindsey takes Mal and leads her to where the trainers tell her to go.

I head back to the bench and sit there for the rest of the game, only moving when I sub in Ashley Hatch and Vanessa DiBernardo for Christen and Sam, respectively.

After the game ends, with us winning 2-0, I walk over and shake the Phil Neville's hand along with the rest of the English coaching staff then I head on field and shake the refs hands. Once that's done I walk around the field and talk to my players.

"Great job you too." I say and hug Sofia and Kristie.

"Thanks coach." The two Dash players say.

"KRISTIE." Sam shouts then she jumps on her older sister.

"Wow." Sofia says and the two of us laugh.

"We'll talk more later." I say then I continue talking to my players.

I talk to everyone on the team and purposefully leave my favorite player for last.

"Hey Boo Bear." I say and hug my wife.

"Hi baby." Tobin says and smiles into my neck.

"Oh." I say and unclasp my necklace then I grab Tobin's ring. "Here ya go."

"Thanks." Tobin says and put the wedding ring back on her left hand. "So how'd you like managing the national team."

"I think I'm gonna like being the manager."

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