Chapter 64

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Hey guys, sorry for the slow updates. This chapter will be melded with the next one when I edit, but I decided to publish it unfinished because it's been so long since I wrote anything.
For some reason I'm really struggling with this part of the story. I know what's supposed to happen, I'm not unhappy with the plan I have for the rest of the book, and yet I just can't seem to write it. Hopefully the writers block will pass soon.



  As the men in combat gear turned to deal with this new threat, Izzy burst into action, using the distraction to her advantage. She left the cover of the trees and ran through the overgrown grass to where the children huddled over little Honor. She was still reeling from what she'd seen, but she didn't have time to freak out, and instead focussed every ounce of her strength into her legs. She couldn't hesitate, she had to act now. 

  Izzy reached the little girl who'd been shot and grabbed her up into her arms. Then ran back towards the trees, hoping the other children would follow.

  She heard Rock snarl, and what sounded like an air rifle. She slowed enough to reassure herself that her mate was still alive and kicking, then tore her gaze away. She couldn't allow herself to become distracted.
  The quick check had told her one thing though, they were getting much too close.

  She took a detour around the side of the house to get out of sight quicker.
  There, she saw another figure in the grass. The woman's garb of long brown skirt and oversized woolen jersey blended with the mud she'd fallen in. The bright red blood spatter, not so much. Her face was in profile, facing away, but Izzy still recognized Patiences mother.
A much smaller figure lay sprawled nearby, and her gorge rose in protest. The slack face raised to the sky was, Meek, one of the most mischievous of the preschoolers. The female had died protecting her. But it was for nothing. There was too much blood on her. Such a young child couldn't have survived losing it.

  She took a deep breath and turned away, heading into the trees. There would be no justice for them, but she had a chance to save some of the others, and she had to stay on task.
She looked back to check if any of the kids had followed.
Little figures headed her way, the preschoolers and toddlers chasing after her with all their might, arms and legs pumping. They were wild eyed with shock and fear, but the pack instinct had broken them from the daze of trauma, ensuring that they stayed together while they ran. She silently urged them on.

  There was movement beside her and she startled, jerking away. 

It was Granite, covered in blood and reaching out to take her burden from her.
She hesitated, surprised by his willingness to help. He'd been her enemy for so long, it was hard to accept that there might be some good in him along with all the bad.

  She didn't want to trust him, but she was weak and he was strong and fast, he had a better chance of getting the kid to safety. Izzy reluctantly passed the limp little bundle over to her nemesis. As much as her instincts were telling her to hold tight to the child, logic overrode them, reminding her she was near the limits of her strength.
The enemy of her enemy was her ally at this moment.

"You'll take her to Rikki?" She asked, needing the reassurance.

He held her eyes and nodded. 

Chastity came up beside him, then frowned when he gave her a demanding look.

"I'll go too." She said reluctantly.

  The smallest of the children running behind stumbled, and then fell. His diminutive form was immediately hidden by the long grass. He didn't get up again.
  Chastity-Asphodel might be a selfish teen who wanted to leave this Pack behind and go back to her real life, but she didn't hesitate. She raced out from under cover and snatched up the the straggler, sprinting back with him wrapped up in her arms.
  The boys leg was clearly broken and tears streamed down his face. He was only two years old and still had the softness of babyhood, despite the werewolf genes. Little Ore was cute as hell on his good days and a demon on his bad, but right now he bit his lip and kept his silence with a grim stoicism that was unnatural in a child so young.

Izzy looked around but couldn't see the Alpha. She had hoped he'd come and help them get the children across the border of the properties, but he wasn't here, and they couldn't afford to wait around.

"Granite, you lead the way."

  She glanced towards the fighting to make sure they weren't followed, but the Exterminators were all fully engaged.
  She turned back to the little group of refugees, ready to bring up the rear and help any stragglers. One last look back.
  A man was crouched over the dead mother and child, the Southern Alpha checking on the tragic pair. 

  Was he going to...?
  Yes, he was. He hoisted the body of Patience's mother over his shoulder and strode towards the trees.
  Was she one of the women he had come to find? Or had he decided she could be revived? Adult werewolves, after all, could survive a lot if the head and heart were still attached.

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