"Well, we just talked, walked around, and it was fun." I smile softly.

"So, you don't like him even a tad?" Sam asks, a hint of doubt crowding her face.

"I do," I reply casually. "I do like him, Sam . . . but as a friend." My gaze is earnest as I say this.

"Ugh, that famous speech." Sam sighs.

"And you? How was your day?"

"Well . . ." She begins with laughter. I crease my eyebrow skyward, curious. "Liam and I made a horrible lunch today."

She's blushing.

"Lunch?" My heart booms at the mention of his name alone.

"Yes. Betty wasn't here; it was just Liam and me in the afternoon. We decided to test our cooking abilities after debating whether to go out or not. I suck in the kitchen, as you already know, and Liam is horrible," she explains fondly, the memory seemingly awesome. "It was half burnt, half undercooked."

"Oh?" I don't know what to feel, so I'm neutral.

"It was so much fun! In the end Liam made amazing sandwiches, and it's what he knows how to make best." Sam giggles. "We chilled with a movie afterwards, so my afternoon was great."

I bet it was. Her ecstatic eyes say so.

"That's good." I suck in whatever I'm feeling.

Maybe that's how things were supposed to be. If I didn't come here with Sam, the chances of Liam being with her would probably be huge. I'm the one ruining things and I need to go.


The following morning, during breakfast, Malik drops a bomb that leaves everyone astounded. He announces blatantly that we're flying to Miami this evening, and he has already made the travel arrangements.

"That's great, Malik. As always, only you know how to have fun," Eleanor says while sipping her tea, a vibrant smile on her face.

I can't believe she seconds the idea, which makes me shift my eyes towards Sam. As expected, my best friend is wiggling in her chair gleefully. But it's understandable, I guess.

I'd love to see Miami.

"And you think you can just plan your trip without consulting us first?" Liam snaps.

God, he is so barbaric. What tree has he fallen from?

Eleanor rolls her eyes, which makes me laugh for real. Malik laughs along, and I love the way he never gets offended by Liam's disturbing remarks.

"Who wants to go swimming in Miami?" His voice is dramatic as he asks us.

"I do." Sam raises her hand immediately.

I follow suit. I do want to see Miami.

Malik smiles triumphantly. "See, Brother? Winner takes all."

Liam rolls his eyes. I chuckle lightly.

"You should loosen up a bit, honey. What's the point of taking a vacation if you're only going to confine yourself in this country house?" Eleanor says smoothly, eyeing her son tenderly with a smile.

"Don't worry, Aunt," Malik says while gobbling a huge piece of sandwich. "I'll just cancel his ticket."

Liam glares at him, and he only giggles at him. I don't know why, but I always find them like two little boys who love bickering to one another.

And it's kind of cute.

Watching Mr. Intense sulking is as if I'm seeing the younger version of himself that I wish I knew. I smile to myself.

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