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Do you know really who is a fighter? Well I don't yet. Let's read this and find out who really is a fighter, just the ones who knows the fighting art or not!

Juliana, I am a 18 year girl whose being mistreated or rather abused through out my life since I was born. I'm being bullied by practically anyone whose not a stranger. My biggest bullies were my parents and the city's biggest Don's son, Anthonio Russel. They just loved torturing me till I pass out and bleed so much that I started to look pale like a ghost. But no matter how much I was bullied and hurt I never allowed myself to feel down or break apart.

So as usual I went to school after daily torture session at home and right at the school gate Anthonio and his gang dragged me to a deserted alley and started to kick and punch thinking that I'm their punching bag which I am. I never let them satisfy by shouting or whimpering which only resulted in more beating but I don't feel the difference.

"You fucking slut, do you like getting beaten so much that you come to school everyday like this huh?" Anthonio asked while punching my guts once again till I doubled over in pain. "Maybe she likes being punched by us boss, cuz she will never get into our beds!" Anthonio's closest man, Stephano said and the whole gang started to laugh at his pathetic joke. 'Like hell I want their crappy asses' I thought.

Finally after hours they got tired of beating me specially since I don't even make a noise to satisfy their cruel desires. I just laid down as they left me in exhaustion and pain starting to think why do I have this much of a rotten luck even when I was born because no matter how hard, how often I think about this, still can't find any answer to this.

I know that I can hit all these people back since I started to train my own self to fight but I didn't want to make anything much worse than it already is by fighting back or running away faster than anyone since that's what I did when I was small, running away from them but they always caught up.

While I was lost in my thoughts four men in Black barged into the alley fighting amongst each other fiercely. Couple of time they stepped on me but I couldn't do anything to stop it since I'm so tired even to move an inch from there. Then one of the bad guys as I deducted by the flight going on infront and on me, fell near and finally they noticed they've being fighting on a living human being.

And suddenly that one got a brilliant idea of holding me hostage so the good guys can't shoot them when they had me as the shield. But I really had enough of being used as many things I don't want to. So stupidly I bit the hand of the man holding me hard making him threw me to the nearest wall making me groan in pain. But I gave a chance to the good guys to kill and cuff the baddies but before that the guy who I bite the hand managed to shoot me in the stomach diverting their attention making him an escape root.

One was already knocked out and cuffed and both the good guys came running to me. "Hey little one hold on, we'll take you to a hospital soon!" "Yeah but go catch that motherfucker who shot me first" The older looking man who talked to me smiled and signed the other to go and capture the man who ran away. "You're so brave little one, so hold on ok! Don't fall asleep." I heard that man's voice but "too late buddy" I wispered and fell unconscious on his hands.

' Beep.  Beep.  Beep.  Beep ' who who the hell is making this noise. Wait a sec, beeping as in hospital? I tried to open my eyes which felt like they were glued shut. As soon as I opened my eyes the blinding white light shining make my aches and pains increase by ten folds. I tried to cover my eyes with my hands but I couldn't move them. As my eyes got used to the light I looked everywhere in the room they kept me and what happened came to mind when I saw numerous bandages and cuts on me.

Suddenly the door opened and came in that guy, who talked to me with a little angel on his hands. " How are you doing little one? Feeling more pain or less?" I tried to answer him but my throat felt like sandpaper. " Oh yeah water," he told to himself. He laid the little baby in his hands beside me who at once snuggled to my side making me smile after what felt like years. That man poured me a water and helped me drink it. " Who is this angel," was the first thing I asked from him.

"This is my daughter and seems like she's not gonna let you go any soon." " Oh it's fine let her stay if you don't mind" he nodded and let her stay by my side. " So little one, I'm Jacob Summers. Soon to be commander of the secret organization S . A . O . U . S . A aka Secret Association Of United States of America. And if you want I would like to recruit you!" Well that was straightforward. I gave it a thought while looking at the girl by my side and took a deep breath and looked at the Commander guy and said one word. "YES"

I think that's all he needed to hear cuz then he went on explaining what they do and how. Then told me that he will be taking me to his quarters and as soon as I get better I can join the training. I think they had done a background check on me and knew that no one will care that I went missing. So that night I felt asleep with a more light mind having the angel (by the way her name is Anika Summers) by my side. At the edge of sleeping I guess that man saying ' It's like I got another daughter. And Juliana here will make everyone regret for mistreating her one day cuz I see the potential in her to be a genius warrior.'

Romantic Short Storiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें