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"Sasha, honey get dressed. We're going to the new neighbor's house." I still can remember my mom shouted at me when I was eight years old. That's when I first met Timothy, for me Timmy, my best friend. Since then we did almost everything together. We knew everything about each other. "Sash, get up baby girl." I heard his voice near my ear. Yes we sleep with each other. I opened my eyes to see Timmy with his bed hair. "Good morning Timmy." "Morning baby girl. My car or yours?" I gave it a thought because Timmy is practically the most famous boy in our school and any girl would die to be near him. But I am a typical nerd where most of the others tried to bully me. "Nah, Ill go alone baby bear." "Again thinking huh? Ok whatever you like but don't forget to text me with every details."

So I went to his bathroom and had a shower and got ready with the clothes I kept in his closet. "Take care baby girl." Timmy said with a soft kiss on my forehead. "You too baby bear." I said retuning his action with a kiss on his cheek. So I went to school in the school bus and went to my locker to grab the books and directly went to the class and opened my chat with Timmy as it was our habit to text through every time were not with each other and think how much we missed each other. As we both were some kind of straight A nerds school work or teachers didn't bother us that much.

B.B- in the class?

B.G- yeah. U?

B.B- locker with frds.

B.G- kk. Cme quick. Ts gnna b lte.

I stopped texting cuz he didn't like to text while walking cuz he has to flirt with girls. As usual Timmy sat beside me using the excuse we both have the surnames of the same letter. When he sat down I heard the girls mutter how ugly I am and how unsuitable for Timmy to sit beside me. I mentally sighed. After a little while Timmy's hand found mine and started to play with it. He usually does it when he's nervous. I knew that he has a basketball match today but he won't get nervous for that. "Why" I asked in a hushed tone looking at the black board and he signed me to text from the chat.

B.G- what happened B.B?

B.B- u know the prm s nxt week?

B.G- yeah so?

B.B- I wanna go with u

B.G- bt they cnt knw

B.B- yep thats y B.G- dnt wrry. We'll figr ot.

so thats why he's worried. I squeezed his hand comfortably. After the English period I went to my Calculus class and Timmy went to the Algebra Advance class. I'm really bored here cuz I already finished my next 3 weeks work, home work and extra home work. Don't know how I'm staying without falling asleep? Well what can you say. I'm a nerd remember. 'Ms. Harper, come here for a minute please." Mrs. Nelson the Calculus teacher called me. Thanking the gods I went to her.

"Ms. Haper you obtain straight A's for my subject and you can write the answers with your eyes close. So me and the principal thought of transferring you into the Algebra Advance class." "I don't know what to say Mrs. Nelson." "You don't have to say anything dear. Go now." So I collected my things and went to the Algebra Advance class where Timmy is also in. "Excuse me Mr. Baker. Can I come in?" "Oh Sasha. You're the new transfer student! Good I'm pleased to see a nerd other than these jocks and barbies. Seat near Timothy our B.B boy. He'll help you."

So I seated beside Timmy and he offered me a comforting and a knowing smile. But before anything happen the schools most popular girl and my bully Anita. She's really mean but thanks to Timmy her bullying has stopped. "So nerdy living a life without my interfering I see?" I didn't bother to answer cuz I know it only will make it worse. Timmy felt my uncomfortableness and raised his hand. "Mr. Baker can I take Ms. Haper out and tell her about the lessons?" Everybody in his class looked at him as he grew another head.

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