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'Ace. Ace. Ace!' the whole arena was filled with the noice of cheers, cheers of my boxing fans. Of course I'm boosted by their cheers. I entered the rings to face my opponent. 'Ladies and gentlements; Ace Trevil the unbeatable, with Jude Nickerson the flash arms together. Let's hope a good fight and round begins.. now.' Jude is a guy who is buff but not a good fighter since he's slow but like his name his arms movement is fast. But anyway I'm the unbeatable so left hook, duck, nose crack, right hook, kneeing the balls aaaaaand he's down.

'The winner is our the only unbeatable Ace Trevil', see I told ya. I'm boxing here in the underground but nobody knows its me the school's bad boy cuz I'm always wearing a mask. When I got out from the back door with 50 grands of winning money I saw a group of boys cheering. No need to say that I am a magnet towards fights so I went there. There was my opposite, I mean Ms. Goody two shoes, the nerd, (whats her name again?).. Shona.

She was in the middle of the group of boys and they were making fun out of her non warm outfit in December. 'Break it up guys. Leave her alone!' I shouted cuz I'm a guy who hate to see damsels in distress. 'Xander you!' that's good she knows my name. 'Back off punk. Who are you to tell us what to do?' ok that's it. Here comes the turbo fighter, the one and only Ace a.k.a Xander. Well no need to say that I punched Mr.high figh talk in the stomatch.

Then the hell broke loose as usual and I'm surprised that Shona joined hands with me to beat the hell out of those guys. Finally it ended and I went to talk with Shona. 'How did you do that?' 'I'm a boxer in underground, girls division.' whaaaat? 'Under what name?' 'Devil the unbeatable.' We match. I'm Trevil the unbeatable.

'How's that possible? You are Ms. Goody two shoes.' 'Yeah but nobody knows from here.' 'You've got a point there. So let's promise to keep our secrets shall we?' 'Deal. But hit me hard.' 'What? Why?' 'Hit me. Cheers are here. Then I'll fall to the ground and you can carry me like youre helping me.' 'Ok I will.' So without letting her to think twise I hit her hard and knocked her out.

Finally I'm outta here. But were should I take her. Will she know that I don't have an exact place to stay? I thought out loud. 'Well now she got to know.' I heard Shonas voice with a hint of laughter. 'Very funny.' 'Oh come on Mr. grumpy pants. I was just joking.' 'Whatever.' 'But where will you go now? Nothing to be ashamed of not having a house Xander. Let go to my place. You can stay there until you want to leave any day.' 'But your mom and dad???' 'Don'y worry I don't have them for a start and there's an exit from the rich part of the city. You can go out from there. And to have parties or whatever you want.'

'Are you ok Shona? Why are you doing this all?' 'Cuz I know what it feels like not to have a house to live in.' 'Ok and thanks a lot for your offer.' 'Whatever Xander. Shall we go now?' 'yeah sure. Lead the way please Ms.Goody two shoes.' So both Xander and Shona went to Shona's house and had a light dinner and straightly went to bed as they both were tired.

In the next morning Xander woke up to a smell of fresh coffee and fried bacon. 'Oh good morning Mr. Grumpy pants. Its time you woke up finally.' 'Morning to you too beautiful. Is this all food for me?' 'Oh no don't think like that cuz its only for me.' Xander looked at her with bulging eyes. 'You eat this much of food?' 'Oh don't be so surprised. I'm also a boxer remember. So I do eat a lot.' 'After breakfast where are you going Shona?' 'I was planning to go for a work out. Wanna join?' 'Yeah sure. I'll come, give me a minute.'

So both Shona and Xander didn't go to school but went for a proper workout. They both enjoyed each others company a real lot never missing a chance to make fun of each other. It was so late of night they went back home just to get ready for the night's fight. So and so passed their life together in the same house and acted as not interested in the school.

Is it a need to say that they both fell in love by and by? Well they did but there was a problem. They were so egoistic that they weren't even ready to accept it. But it's love were talking about so it cannot be hidden. So it was Xander who manned up and confessed his love to her first.

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