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"Hey Sammy!" I heard an ear piercing sound from my behind. Yep, all your guesses are correct, its Missy, school's queen B. "Hey Missy" I forced a smile and faced her. From the corner of my eyes I saw my football team mates draw the crosses over their hearts, praying for me. How nice of them. For whatever reason Missy likes to hang out with me but I practically hate her over make-up self. "Hey Sammy, darling shall we go to the club tonight?" she asked from me while tracing my abs from her fingertips. I felt irritated! Luckily my best friend and Beta, Josh stood beside me giving me a hard slap to my back making me surprise and Missys hand to fall from my chest.

"Hey bro, dont forget our party tonight" "Oh yeah Josh I remember it of course" I said confusingly. 'What party?' I asked from my mind link. 'Calm down Alpha, Im trying to save you from this make-up doll.' 'Oh I see. But next time a warning would be better' He's my man. 'Thanks bro!' 'Anytime.' "Sorry Missy, we have a little get-together party and my parents anniversary. I gotta be there for sure. Maybe next time." Oh she pouted her highly lip glossed lips making me feel like throwing out. "See ya later" I said wishing not to see her again anytime soon. If you havent guessed yet, I'm a werewolf well a shifter. To be leader of our Red Moon pack; so Im the future Alpha. Josh is my future Beta. I turned to go to my Calculus class when a mouthwatering smell hit me. Smell of caramel popcorn. I looked around to see from who that came from, who is my mate?

I sniffed the air and followed the smell in search of my mate. Little by little the smell increased and my wolf howled in extreme happiness of finding my mate, my pack's future Luna. Finally I stopped near a girl showed her back to me. Her blonde hair was slightly curly, just the way I liked and was up to her hip. Before I further examine her beauty I saw her shoulders jerk. I was shocked as well as angry. Who made my mate cry? I turned her towards me. Tingles shot through my hand confirming that she's my mate. Her full cheeks were red and covered in tears. When I looked into her eyes I stood there like a statue seeing who that was.

She's the girl who is bullied by the whole school and the pack. "Andria!" I exclaimed. Her lips were bleeding and a bruise was forming under her right eye. My wolf was howling seeking for revenge. "A... Alpha" she mumbled quickly wiping her tears and bowing me. I felt sorry for her. I grabbed her shoulder and stood her erect. She was another Alpha's daughter who was abandoned after her parents' death so she was humiliated by others in our pack as well as by the humans in the school. She was a bulling toy for them cuz still she hasn't shifted getting her Alpha strength. "Don't bow to me Andria." I said and hugged her to my chest and drew soothing circles on her back. She struggled to get away from me.

"Sammy, what are doing with that wench?" Missy came to me and asked and I growled. She was a human so how would she understand. I ignored her and walked away pulling Andria with me. Finally I was in the football court and no one was there at this time. "Andria, tell me please who hurt you like this?" She didn't answer me but kept on crying melting my heart. I sat on the ground pulling her with me and caress her soft blonde hair. With the time her crying faded away. I sighed deeply with pain seeing my mate's tears. "Please Andria tell me who hurt you. Tell me without making me suffer more. You know I'm your mate!" She looked at me with eyes filled with love but quickly it was replaced by fear. I was so sad to see that my own mate fear me but then she hugged me tightly shivering so hard. Though I'm the future alpha, that time I was so afraid, afraid about my sweet mate's life.

When I turned and looked behind me, I saw all the bad boys both human and shifters were standing there with a red faced Missy. I couldn't help the low growl escaped my mouth as a warning. "There she is boys, get her" 'Don't you dare to come closer my mate!' I warned the shifters using our mind link. They statued where they were. Good to know they fear me. 'Alpha, we're sorry' 'apology accepted'; with that they went away when Missy blamed them as cowards. But still the other humans were coming closer to hurt Andria, my Andria. "What are you doing here Missy?" I asked that blonde controlling my anger thanks to Andria's touch. "I have to ask that question from you Sammy" I quickly got up from the ground while holding Andria to my chest and pushed her behind me.

She hung into my back for her dear life. "Don't be afraid Andria. I'll save you!" I felt she nod into my back. I went near the thugs with few steps and they surrounded me. Then the hell broke loose. We all fought like animals and I forgot about Missy. Suddenly a pain rose through my abdomen made me fall to the ground on my knees. I realized it wasn't my pain, "Andria" I shouted running towards her. Missy has kicked her with her heel and she was bleeding. I took Andria's head onto my lap "Andria I'm so sorry. I should've stood beside you. Please forgive me." For the first time in my life I cried. Feeling my pain Josh came and shook me out of my daze and convinced me to take Andria to the school nurse who is also a pack member while he do something to the crowd.

"Hold on baby, just hold on for a few seconds. We're almost there." Because Andria hasnt shifted yet, her healing power is still weak. But anyway my touches soothed her some much. Nurse quickly began her work and stitched Andria's wound and all those time I didn't move an inch away from her. Josh and a few fighters in the pack has taken care of the ones who fought with me, and Liza, my sister took care of that bitch Missy. "Al..alpha" Andria muttered in pain. "Shh shh shh baby call me Sammie. Don't worry I'm not gonna leave your side, NEVER!" Suddenly Andria's screams filled the air. "Oh shit" I said knowing Andria is shifting for the first time. I took her to my arms and ran out to the woods and lowered her to the ground kneeling beside her and speaking soothing words into her ear.

It was the hardest thing I ever saw, heard in my whole life. Snapping of her bones in a weird way wanted me to flee away but I had to see that and I knew it is helping her very much. Finally she turned into a shining black wolf with a little white patch on her ear. I proudly joined her in my own black wolf the color of alpha wolves. We both ran in the woods racing with each other. I playfully nipped Andria's wolf. She barked happily and finally both of us laid down on a soft grass patch. I nuzzled my head on the nook of her neck. 'Andria, your wolf is sooooo beautiful and so as you. I don't care about your past, let's build our future together.' 'Sa.Sam, thank you for accepting me as your mate and I promise you I'll stay with you no matter what.' We both looked at each other for a while and I gave a peck on her lips. 'Come on love, we need to get back to school!' I exclaimed and we both walked back to the school holding our hands.

But our love was disturbed by my father, the current alpha. As Andria is an orphan and got bullied from many. So he thought she's a weakling and not suitable for the post of the Luna of the world's best pack. I was furious. "How can you do that dad? Would you let go of your mate if she's weak?" "It doesn't matter of what I think, you should reject her or else you won't have your Alpha post!" What a bastered. Yeah your guess was right I my left father's office and went to the room of Andria and hugged her tight. "I'm sorry for doing this but its necessary right now love. Let me mark you so nobody will be able to separate you from myself." So with one nod of Andria I marked her as mine. A nice black tattoo saying my name shone brightly on the nook of her neck.

Andria was so proud to wear my mark. But ruining our mood further, Josh came with a bad news. "Sorry bro, but alpha removed you from your post and according to him I should be the next alpha and the ceremony will be held tomorrow." Josh said with guilt filled eyes. But I walked towards him, "No hard feelings bro. Do it your best and never reject your mate no matter what. Its time for me to leave here with my mate." Surprisingly Andria also added a word, "And Josh remember we'll always be there for you if you need us." I hugged her tightly to my chest and left to my room to pack the bags. The news was distributed all over the pack so quickly, everybody gathered at the door to see their ex future alpha leaving with his new found mate. Current alpha or Luna wasn't there. I left my pack without any hesitations or tears.

Before we go any further we met the car of king and queen of werewolf realm. "Sam, son where are you leaving with packed bags and your mate?" "My lord I'm leaving because my father banished me from the alpha post because I chose my mate over his decision." King and queen looked angry and discussed for a few moments. Then said, "Sam you both can stay with us, in our palace. It'll be a secret from others, but under one condition. Will you both be our children?" Me and Andria looked at each other with amazement and said yes. So how do you feel about a banished alpha and Luna couple become the heirs to the realm of werewolves' throne? Lovely isnt it?

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