Chapter 5

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"So now where?"
Caleb asked.
"Docksten, Florida, about a six-hour drive."
Axl said.
Caleb said as he leaned back in his seat.
Three hours went by in silence.
"I can't stand this silence. Can we talk about something? Anything?"
Thea said frustrated.
"Talk about what?"
Axl asked.
"I don't know. Anything. Caleb? Any ideas on what to talk about?
Caleb replied.
"Fine, I'll start. What did you guys like to do together when you were little?"
Thea asked.
"Thea not now."
Axl said irritated.
"No, this is so stupid. This tension between both of you. It must stop."
"Thea stop trying to fix something that can't be fixed."
Axl said as he glanced at her while driving.
"No! You guys were friends before! Brothers! Sure, you guys drifted apart, but that brotherhood will always be there. Why can't you guys just fix this!"
"Stop! Why are you trying to fix us when you can't even fix yourself!"
Caleb yelled.
"What are you talking about?"
Thea asked confused.
"You are the most powerful vampire/werewolf on this planet, and you try and hide it. Your ashamed of what you are! You can't even go get your own blood because you care about what others would think. You should have walked into their town and took what you needed! Use your powers! You do all this talk about how it's okay to be different, help those even if their different, but look at you! Hiding behind who you truly are. Your different! Help yourself!"
"Shut up Caleb!"
Axl yelled.
"Thea don't listen to him."
Axl told her as she had a tear roll down her face and her eyes were turning red.
"Thea calm down! Thea! Look at me!"
Axl demanded, but Thea's eyes had gotten bright red. She started to close both of her fists, her nails clawing into her skin, making herself bleed. She was trying so hard not to lose control, but her anger was boiling inside.
Axl yelled. Then a tree flew right passed them on the road, Axl swerved the car and pressed down on the brakes. More trees were flying by them. A tree flew into a gas station where people were filling up their car tanks. Another tree flew into a small market, people were running and screaming. Cars, bikes, more trees, rocks, whatever was laying around was flying everywhere. It was as if a tornado was passing through, but it was Thea. She then got out of the car and ran away.
Axl yelled.
"Caleb go get her! Calm her down! I have to help these people!"
Caleb's face was in shock. He was so ashamed of how he made Thea feel, and what he made her do. Because of him, all these people were screaming.
Axl yelled again. A fire then started down the street on a power line. Axl ran toward it to help whoever he could. Caleb finally got out of the car and ran toward the direction Thea went.
Caleb yelled. He then caught up to her and saw her pacing back and forth with her hands over her head. She looked up at Caleb with her bright red eyes. Caleb took a step back, afraid of what he was seeing. But then walked toward her.
"Thea calm down, it's okay."
Thea had a panic look on her face.
"I hear them. I hear what their thinking. They are so scared. Some are hurt."
Thea said with tears rolling down her face.
"Just breathe Thea, Axl is helping everyone.
Everything is going to be okay, but you must stop this before it gets worse. I'm so sorry I said all that stuff. None of it's true. I just ran my mouth like the asshole that I am."
Caleb told Thea while his hands were on her shoulders.
"No Caleb, everything you said was right."
Thea said as she backed away from him.
"I'm a monster and I just have to accept it and stop running from it. All this pain I carry within me every second of the day is finally gone. I'm releasing my powers. This is who I am Caleb!"
Tears were rolling down Thea's face. More trees, rocks and now even a house was flying. The wind was blowing so hard that Caleb almost fell over trying to walk toward her. He finally reached her. He grabbed her face with his hands on each of her cheeks and looked into her eyes.
"You're not a monster, your different and that's what makes you beautiful."
Caleb said to Thea, and then he kissed her on her lips. She kissed him back. The wind was slowing down. The trees, rocks, and everything else in the sky dropped down to the ground. The kissing became more intense. Then the kissing slowed down and stopped. They took a moment to look into each other's eyes. Thea's eyes were back to normal. Caleb put a piece of hair that was in her face behind her ear.
I can't do this. I just need to go.
"We have to go help Axl and all the others."
Thea told Caleb and started to run toward the rode. Caleb wondered if he had done something wrong. Then he followed her.
Thea yelled. Axl was helping an older lady, who was limping, walk to sit on a bench. Thea ran over to him.
"Thea. I'm glad you're better. You need to get out of here. There's blood."
Axl whispered.
"No. This is my mess. I must help. I'll fight through it. I promise."
Thea said while touching his arm. Thea saw Caleb helping kids that had some scratches on them the next store over. He was pouring water over their legs, and he took off his shirt to use it to clean them up. Thea looked around and saw all the damage that she caused. She could hear everyone's thoughts. They were all scared and in pain.
"Thea. Look at me."
Axl said as he grabbed her and hugged her.
"It's okay. Everything is going to be okay."
He whispered to her. Caleb watched as Axl hugged Thea. He felt angry and jealous but knew he couldn't do anything about it. He continued to help people get out of the store and sit on the curb to wait for help. Thea then heard a man calling out the name Oscar. She walked up to him.
"Hi sir, can I help you look for this Oscar?"
"Please mija. My dog. Thank you."
Thea then closed her eyes to listen. She heard whimpering. A dog whimpering.
"Over here!"
She shouted as she ran to a truck. She bent down to look under the truck and saw the tiny dog hiding.
"Hey there little guy. Come here. I'm here to help you."
Thea said as she reached out to grab the dog, then she pulled the dog out.
"Here you go sir."
"Thank you."
Thea heard sirens coming. She looked around and saw that Axl and Caleb had gotten everyone out of the stores and sitting on the curbs, waiting for help to come.
"Thea we have to go!"
Axl yelled. Axl, Caleb and Thea ran to the car and drove off. Thea looked at the side mirror of the car and saw the aftermath of what she had caused. Axl noticed Thea looking, so he put his hand on top of her hand. Thea looked down and moved her hand from under his and put hers on top to say thank you and then folded her arms. Caleb saw, but he quickly looked the other way and went into his backpack to get a new shirt to put on.
Hours go by. They were arriving closer to their destination.
"Do you hear that?"
Thea asked.
"Yeah. It sounds like Christmas music. I think?"
Axl said uncertain.
"Hurry drive faster, I want to hear."
Thea demanded. Axl started to drive faster.
"It's beautiful."
Thea said as they approached what seemed to be the town's Christmas gathering.
"We need to look around! Do you smell that? Fresh baked cookies! Hot chocolate!"
Thea ran out of the car and into the gathering.
Axl yelled.
"Damn it. Let's go get her before she gets a smell of blood too."
Axl told Caleb.
"I'm not her babysitter. You go fetch her."
"Seriously Caleb?"
Axl said annoyed. Then he went to go catch up to Thea. Caleb followed behind slowly. The town was lit with Christmas lights. A band was singing and playing Christmas music. Small tents were set up that had baked desserts, candy, and warm drinks. People were dancing. A huge Christmas tree was beautifully decorated with a bright shinny star at the top. Children were running around in their nicest Christmas outfits. Axl finally caught up to Thea.
"What are you staring at?"
Axl asked her.
"I have been running for so long that I forgot what Christmas looks like. We must look around. Just for a bit, okay? At least eat some Christmas dessert."
Thea said as she grabbed Axl's hand.
"Fine, but quick. The wolves should be near. We are in their territory."
"Okay. Now let's go get some Christmas cookies!"
Thea took Axl to the nearest tent that had Christmas decorated cookies. Caleb was not too far behind. He was looking around at all the decorations, and then he picked up a scent. Wolf scent. He started walking faster looking for Thea and Axl, then a bag went over his head, and he was thrown into the back of a van. His hands were then tied together behind his back. The van drove off. The drive was bumpy and lasted what seemed like forever and in complete silence. The van parked; Caleb was then grabbed then proceeded to walk for a bit. He was eventually thrown to sit on a chair. The bag was finally taken off his head.
"Why did you come to this town wolf?"
A big muscular guy said in an angry tone. Surrounding him was about twenty other guys, all built the same way, muscular.
"Don't make me ask you again boy!"
The guy demanded.
"Or what? Hit me already and get it over with." Caleb said.
"So, you think your tough huh? Don't look like your much of a fighter based on your face. It looks like you're the punching bag. You shouldn't have such a big mouth if you can't back it up."
The guy said grabbing Caleb's face, looking at all the bruises Caleb had got from his previous fight.
"Boys let's show this tough guy what a punch really feels like!"
The guy said and all his followers started to yell, excited to get a punch in.
"Have you seen Caleb?"
Thea asked Axl.
"No. Don't really want him around anyways." "Seriously Axl!"
Thea said upset.
"He does not even want to be here with us T. I'm tired of his attitude."
Axl said in frustration.
"Whatever Axl. We just can't leave him by himself. We have to find him before the other wolves do."
"So, let's go find him Thea."
They started walking around but couldn't find him.
"Axl I have this feeling that something bad has happened. My throat. These humans. We have to hurry and find him."
Thea said nervously.
"We will, just focus."
Axl told Thea while grabbing her hand. They started walking toward where Caleb was taken.
"Wait. Stop right here. Do you smell that? Wolf. Maybe three or four. I smell Caleb to. Look, tire tracks. Damn it! We must hurry! Something is wrong!"
Thea said and started to panic.
"Calm down Thea. Look at me!"
Axl grabbed Thea's face to make her look at him. She finally did.
"I'll track, get the car and follow me."
Axl said. Then Thea ran to get the car. Axl started to jog, following the tracks and smell of the wolves. Thea was driving close behind him.
Finally Axl stops. Thea turns off the car and gets out.
"There, in that building. Caleb and the other wolves should be there."
Axl said pointing to a big white building at least five stories high. There was no other houses or other buildings near.
"Well let's go!"
Thea said and was about to run toward the building, but Axl stopped her.
"Wait! We must have a plan. We can't just walk into an ambush. If this is the packs home, then we must respect it. We need them remember?"
"They have Caleb! They just took him! He wouldn't just leave without telling me anything."
Thea said angry.
"We don't know the details Thea. We will sneak in there and see what's going on before we make our move, okay?"
"Fine. So, let's go find a way to get in the building without being noticed."
Her and Axl started to walk toward the side of the building to see if there was a back door or window they could go through.
"Here. It looks like the door to the underground basement."
Axl said then bent down and noticed a small lock on it.
"Damn it. It's locked."
Axl said disappointed.
"No worries."
Thea said then extended her arm with her hand opened, focused on the lock, then closed her hand slowly and tightly, and as she did that, the lock was being crushed until it broke.
"See. Done. Now let's go."
Thea said then opened the doors and walked down the stairs with Axl following her.
"Look another door. Do you hear that?"
Thea asked.
"Yeah, it sounds like chanting?"
Axl said uncertain. Thea started to walk up the stairs with Axl behind her and opened the door slowly. There was loud chanting coming from the room across from them.
"It sounds like they are cheering someone on. Hurry, Caleb could be in that room."
Thea said then walked faster to go sneak in the room where the chanting came from. She got to the room and hid behind what seemed to be lockers. Then she peaked over and saw a big muscular guy with his shirt off punching Caleb in the face. Axl saw this too and knew Thea was going to react badly.
"Thea no!"
Axl said, but it was too late. Thea ran toward Caleb and put her hand out, lifting the guy who was punching Caleb straight into the air and choking him with her powers. Another guy ran to attack Thea, but she used her other arm and powers to lift and choke him too. Her eyes were bright red, her fangs came out, her claws were also being exposed, she let out a loud growl. All the boys in the room were quiet, looked frightened and confused.
"Put my boys down!"
The leader of the pack said. Thea started choking them even more.
"Thea put them down."
Caleb said struggling. He was beaten up bad. Axl got caught while he was running to get Thea. He was being held by his arms by two of the guys.
"Listen to him Thea!"
Axl shouted.
"I'm guessing your their alpha. You agree to listen to what I have to tell you and I will put them down. Their dying so hurry and answer."
Thea demanded.
"Fine. What do you have to say?"
The alpha asked. Thea put down the boys. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her eyes went back to normal; fangs and claws also went away. The guys she was choking were trying to catch their breaths.
"We came to recruit you to help us fight a war. You're the strongest pack nearby."
"Help you? You got to be kidding me."
The Alpha said and started to walk closer to Thea.
"You expect me and my pack to help you when you came into my town unannounced and hurt my guys with your witch powers!"
Thea walked right up to him.
"You hurt one of mine. We didn't come here to start a fight, and I am not a witch. I'm the most powerful wolf and vampire that has ever existed, so I suggest you fall in line before I take your pack from you."
Thea threatens.
"A vampire! A vampire in my home! My town! Not possible. I don't smell a scent on you. And take my pack? If you're so powerful, then why don't you fight this war on your own?"
The alpha said sarcastically.
"Believe me or not, I don't care. An army of vampires are coming. Sure, I can take on a good chunk on my own, but not all of them."
"We could make this interesting. My boys do love a good vampire kill. Right boys!"
The alpha shouted and all his pack started to cheer.
"I don't trust you with your powers so have one of your little boyfriends participate in one of our fighting matches. If your boy wins then my pack will fight alongside of you, but if my boy wins then you and your little boyfriends better get the hell out of my town."
The alpha said in Thea's face.
"Deal, but I'll fight and won't use my powers."
"Not an option."
The alpha said.
"I'll do it!"
Axl yelled from afar while he was still being held back.
"No, it has to be me."
Caleb said.
"What! No, your hurt. Axl and I can handle this."
Thea turned and told Caleb. Then Caleb made a loud grunting sound and broke out of his zipped tied hands and stood up with his face all bloody from the punches he has been taking from the other wolves. Thea walked toward Caleb.
"Please Caleb don't do this."
Thea whispered to him.
"It's not for you to decide, and promise me that whatever happens, you do not heal me."
Caleb said looking into Thea's eyes.
"Caleb, I can't promise you that. Stop being an asshole for five seconds and just listen to me. I can't lose..... "
"Do not heal me."
Caleb told Thea in a serious voice and walked over to the alpha.
"Let's do this."
Caleb told him.
"Okay tough guy let's see what you got. There will be two rounds. First round, on the ring of the bell, is all human. Second round, on the ring of the bell, is Wolf. Once the bell rings three times that means the fight is over. Only rule is, try not to kill the other. Arlo!"
The alpha yelled and Arlo walked up to where his alpha and Caleb were and took off his shirt. He was tall, tallest in the pack, muscular, abs defined, and his knuckles looked like he's been in a lot of fights.
"Okay boys on the bell!"
The alpha shouted. Thea was watching with a nervous look on her face. The bell rang. Caleb and Arlo had their fists up walking in a circle facing each other waiting for one of them to throw the first punch. Arlo threw a punch toward Caleb's face, but Caleb managed to move out of the way, and when he bent over to move out the way he then punches Arlo on the right side of his ribs. Arlo grunts then ran towards Caleb to tackle him to the ground. Now they are both on the ground. Arlo is on top of Caleb and managed to punch Caleb two times in the face.
"Get up Caleb! Use your anger! Don't fight it! Let it go!"
Thea yelled. Caleb heard her and then used his strength to pushed Arlo so hard in his chest that he flew across the room. Caleb got on his feet and ran to where Arlo fell. Caleb started to punch him in the face. The bell rang, Caleb hesitates when Arlo transforms into his wolf form. Caleb turned into a wolf slightly after Arlo, but Arlo rushed Caleb by bitting him on the neck, then dragging him back to the middle of the room. Caleb managed to get out of the bite hold. The two showed their teeth and growled. Then they charged at each other again. Caleb bit Arlo's ear, then Arlo shook him off and bit Caleb's neck again. Caleb used his paw and swung it on the side of Arlo face leaving claw marks. Arlo let go of Caleb's neck, he was in pain. Caleb saw him weak so Caleb bit Arlo's neck and shook him like a rag doll and threw him across the room. Arlo fell and wasn't moving. Caleb ran toward him, slowed down and when he got closer, he got into his kill position. Back and front legs low toward the ground, ready to leap for the kill.
"Caleb! That's enough!"
Thea yelled, but Caleb didn't listen to her. He leaped and was about to go in for the kill when he heard the bell ring three times. He stopped himself inches away from Arlo. The alpha started to clap loudly and walk toward Caleb. Other wolves ran to Arlo to help him.
"Well, well, well boy, who knew you had all of that in you. You looked like one of my boys fighting. I don't think you're in the right pack."
The Alpha implied.
"He's fine with the pack he has! Now since he won, I should be expecting you to come with us home tomorrow and prepare for the war. We have 4 days until we fight."
Thea said angry.
"And how do you know this? You just happened to give these vampires  a call and ask when their coming? And why is it that they are they coming to your town anyways?"
The Alpha asked.
"We found the last witch. A young boy who doesn't deserve to die. We are going to protect him."
"Wow protect a witch. Times are changing. What do you say boys? Want to join them to get some good vampire kills in!"
The Alpha shouted and all the other wolves started to cheer.
"Well there's your answer. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a party to get ready for. You all are welcomed to join. Especially you Caleb. You proved me wrong. I like that."
The Alpha said, then walked away. The other wolves followed. Some were setting up chairs, DJ equipment, lights, and pizza started to get delivered.
Wait. A party means humans. I can't be around humans. I'll lose control. We must leave.
Then she saw Axl and Caleb talking to the other wolves laughing and even helping set up for the party.
They need this night to have fun. They deserve it after everything I have been putting them through. I need to stay, but keep a good distance. Where should I go?.....There. That will be a good distance.
She then walked up the stairs to the third level of the building and sat down. She had her feet dangling over the rail and watched as everyone was setting up.
As time went by, music started to play, the wolves had nice clothes on and even Caleb and Axl borrowed clothes and looked nice. Humans started to come, both boys and girls. Kegs of beer also came, everyone started to drink and dance. Deep down Thea wished she could join them, but she didn't want to ruin the night for Caleb and Axl. She then hears footsteps starting to approach her. She looked to her left and saw that it was the alpha.
"What are you doing up here tough girl? My annual Christmas party is downstairs."
The alpha said with cups of beer in each hand.
"I don't want to ruin the night for my boys. They deserve to have some fun."
"What do you mean ruin it? You deserve to have fun too, and my name is Tj by the way."
"Yeah I know your name. My name is Thea."
Thea said as she stood up.
"Yeah I know your name already too. I heard your boys say it. How did you know mine?"
Tj hands Thea a cup. Thea takes a sip.
"Thanks. I hear all the human girls say TJ this, and TJ that. Oh my, Tj is so hot and blah, blah, blah."
Tj started to laugh.
"Your three stories high. You can't possibly hear what their saying, unless you can read their minds? Not that I don't believe you because I know I'm good looking."
"Oh shut up, and yes I can read minds, and no I can't read wolves minds unless I'm in their pack. Same as you."
"Cool shit. Anyways I talked to your boy Caleb. He told me about himself and where he comes from. He's lost. Seems to be losing himself, hiding behind these walls he's tried to build to hide who he's really meant to be. He belongs here with us; my boys are who they are. I just help them evolve into their best true selves. Once they evolve, they can control. You can't control something that you don't understand."
"Why are you telling me this?"
Thea asked confused.
"The way you look at him. The way he looks at you. You think it's not obvious that there's something going on? He won't leave you. You're the one that must tell him to leave. You know it's what's best for him. Look at him. Fits right in."
Tj said looking at Caleb who was surround by girls and some of the wolves, drinking, laughing, having fun and looked happy.
"You should get back to your party before your friends start to miss you."
Thea said irritated because she knew Tj was right.
"Only if you come with me."
Tj said with a smile on his face.
"Shut up and go."
Thea said and smiled. Tj started to walk down the stairs. He got halfway, stopped and looked up at Thea. Thea looked at him and Tj reaches his hand toward Thea indicating for her to join him. Thea smiled and put her hand on her throat, mouthing the word blood.
"It will be fine! Trust me!"
Tj yelled because the music was so loud. Thea looked at Caleb and Axl, both were having so much fun.
I need this. I can do this.
Thea started to walk toward Tj. She went down the stairs and stopped when she reached him.
"As soon as you see my eyes turn red, please use all your strength and get me out of here, as far away as possible so I don't hurt anyone. I don't want to bother the boys. I can't ruin...."
"Stop! Stop over thinking and just trust me."
Tj said and grabbed Thea's hand and started to walk down the stairs with her. They got to the bottom and continued to walk toward the middle of the party. As they walked, everyone said hi to Tj. He was the focus at the party. They got to the keg and Tj poured himself and Thea more beer. Girls and guys kept coming up to Tj and talking to him. Thea started to feel anxious because of all the humans around her. Tj turned to look at her and saw that she looked uncomfortable.
"Excuse me for a second."
Tj told a girl he was talking to. Then he grabbed Thea's hand and pulled her to the middle of the dance floor and started to dance.
"Come on, dance, let loose!"
Tj told Thea, but Thea still looked uncomfortable. Tj then grabbed both of her hands and started to make her dance. Thea started laughing and started to dance on her own without his help. They were both laughing and dancing. As they danced Axl looked over at Thea, he saw how much fun she was having. She looked like she was so happy. That's exactly what Axl wanted for her. She deserved to be happy. She deserved to be as normal as possible. The song stopped so Thea and Tj stopped dancing but were still smiling and laughing.
"That was the best couple of minutes I have had in a while. Thanks."
Thea told Tj. Then a slow song came on.
"I'm glad you're having fun. You see I told you to trust me."
One of the wolves yelled and waved his arm to signal Tj to go over to him.
"Sorry, I'm going to go see what he wants. You okay to be alone for a couple of minutes?"
"Yeah I'll be fine."
Thea said, then Tj walked away. Axl saw that Tj was walking away from Thea in a hurry so Axl followed him to see what was going on. Thea started to walk away from where they were dancing, then someone grabbed her hand from behind. Thea quickly turned around.
"Caleb? What's wrong?"
Thea asked.
"Nothing is wrong. Everything is great. I just wanted to see if you're okay? You know, around all these humans?"
"Wow I didn't know you could be this....this..... nice. Are you sick?"
Thea said sarcastically.
"Yeah sick of you looking like a weirdo not dancing on the dance floor."
Caleb then put Thea's hands around his neck and put his hands around her waist.
"What are you doing?"
Thea asked.
"Dancing with you duh. You're such a brat."
"And you're an ass."
Thea smiled and leaned her head against Caleb's chest. Caleb wrapped his arms around her tighter.
"You know you're a big softy. You're not as tough as you look."
Thea said.
"And you're not as weird as you look."
Thea laughed.
"Shut up!"
He then grabbed her right hand from behind his neck and twirled her. Thea and Caleb laughed. Thea leaned against Caleb's chest again, he wrapped his arms around her once more and they danced slowly to the slow song.
"Thea! Caleb! We have a problem. Follow me."
Axl said in a panic and walked fast toward the back door of the building. Thea and Caleb followed. They opened the back door and saw a big black creature in a huge net.
"What's going on? What is that?"
Thea asked.
"We have no idea. Never seen it before. My boys said it was walking around here in the back. They got on the roof with the net, jumped on top of it and nailed the net down."
Tj said.
"Was this creature trying to hurt any of you? Thea asked the boys that captured it.
"Umm no, but it was walking around like it was searching for something or someone. Look at the size of its claws, and it has wings. We didn't want to take a chance with all those people inside, so we captured it."
One of the boys said.
"He's scared. Take the net off him."
Thea said worried.
"No way! What if this thing attacks? Innocent human lives are at risk."
Tj said.
"They have been at risk this whole time while I was inside. For some reason I can feel how frightened he is."
Thea said and walked closer to the creature. She couldn't see his face. He was curled up in a ball. She put her hand out to touch him on his back. As soon as she touched him, she had a vision, but not to see the future, it was the animal showing her where he came from and what mission he was on. He came from a pack of Cordoors. They were three times as big as the wolves, dark eyes, sharp claws, sharp teeth and fangs, muscular, square heads, pointy ears with huge wings on its back, no tail and two small horns on its head. There was only a dozen left in the world. They live where there are no humans, vampires, witches or wolfs. A hidden forest. The same army of vampires that want to kill Cody found the forest about 10 years ago and captured them. They are using them to spy on their enemies and sometimes to kill. The cordoors cannot fight for their freedom because the vampires have the cordoors queen locked away, ready to kill if any one of the creatures disobeys them. This cordoor came to spy and report back to its vampire owner. It went to where Cody first used his magic at the park and then picked up Axl and Thea's scent. Cody was at Thea's house under the protect barrier so it couldn't find Cody. She then took her hand off his back.
Axl said.
"The vampires. They sent this creature to spy on us and to report back to them."
"Well that's not happening, Zac go get my shot gun."
Tj told one of the boys.
"What! No! You can't kill him! It's not his fault he's working for the vampires! They took him and the others away from their home. He doesn't have a choice! He doesn't deserve to die!"
Thea shouted.
"Thea, we have to do whatever is necessary to keep Cody alive. If we let this creature report back to the vampires, they will know we are building an army."
Axl said.
"He's right Thea."
Caleb said agreeing with Axl. Then Zac came back with the shot gun and handed it to Tj.
"Sorry Thea, but those vampires cannot know about this town and that this pack exist."
Tj said and then pointed the shot gun right at the creature.
I can't let this happen. I must do something.
Thea concentrated on the shot gun and used her powers to throw the shot gun away from Tj's hands. She then lifted the net from the ground, freeing the creature. Thea ran and jumped onto the creatures back, holding onto its horns. The creature let out a loud roar, spread its huge wings, and flew up in the sky.
Axl yelled. Thea was flying quickly above the clouds. The creature then flew straight and slowed down.
"Good boy."
Thea said as she patted the top of his head.
"I know you can understand me. We mean no harm to you. They were just scared that you were going to go back and report what you saw to the Vampires. If you stay with me, I can protect you. Help us win this war, then all of you will be free."
The cordoor grunted and flew down to a lake, his feet hitting the water. Thea closed her eyes to feel the wind hitting her face. Then the cordoor flew to a high hill and sat down. Thea got off his back and sat down on the floor next to him.
"Finally, a moment of silence."
Thea said and took a deep breath with her eyes closed.
"When we were above the clouds and flying I kind of wanted to just keep flying until we go far away, but I'm not that person anymore. I'm not a runner. I really believe we could win this war. You have to trust me."
Then the cordoor got closer to Thea and licked the side of her cheek a couple of times.
"Okay, okay. We are in this together."
Thea said giggling and the cordoor stopped licking her.
"You need a name. I'm kind of good at this naming thing. How about Jeffery?"
The cordoor grunted.
"Fine, how about Cam?"
The cordoor grunted again.
"Ummmm Damien?"
The cordoor rubbed his cheek against Thea's head.
"Perfect! We found you a name. Now we must get back to my friends. Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you."
Damien let Thea climb onto his back so they can fly back to the party.
As they were flying down from the clouds to the party, Axl, Caleb, and Tj were waiting for Thea. They landed and Thea got off Damien.
"I'm sorry things went down the way they did. I shouldn't have used magic but......"
"Is the creature going to report back to the vampires?"
Tj asked.
"No, he's on our side, and his name is Damien."
"Whatever, just don't ever use magic on me again."
Tj said upset and then walked back toward the party.
Thea yelled, but Tj kept walking.
"Next time you decide to make drastic moves like that, at least give us a heads up. There's a million of ways that could have went wrong, and then what was the point of all this?"
Caleb said angry and walked away.
"I don't want to hear it Axl."
Axl said and walked back toward the party.
"Things suddenly have gone to shit. It was worth it though."
Thea said to Damien as she pets his head. They then went to find Damien a resting spot where no humans can see him. Once they found one, they both sat down next to each other. Thea leaned against him and fell asleep. A couple of hours went by, and Thea was awakened by footsteps passing by her. She looked and it was Tj. He was walking toward the back of the building. Thea got up quietly to follow him.
"Stay Damien. I'll be back."
She whispered. Then she followed Tj for a bit until he finally stopped. She saw him put a flower down by a tree. Then he put his hands in his front pockets and put his head down.
He looks sad. I wonder what he is doing out here. I better go make sure he is okay.
She started to walk quietly over to Tj.
"Are you okay?"
Thea asked.
"I snuck out so I can be alone."
Tj said irritated.
"Can you not be an asshole. Your acting like Caleb. Maybe I just wanted to be a friend and make sure you were okay. But you know what, fine! I'll leave you be! I don't need to deal with two assholes in my life."
Thea said upset and started to walk away.
"She died here."
Tj said loud enough for Thea to hear. Thea then turned back around and stood next to him.
"We were in love. I would sneak away from the pack so I could spend time with her. She was a witch. I couldn't let the boys discover us. You know how it is with our beliefs. One night I came walking out here to see her, when a vampire came and bit her on her neck. I transformed and ran toward her, but she used her magic to throw me back. The vampire drank from her, then snapped her neck. I should have protected her. We both knew that the vampires were on the hunt to eliminate witches, but we were young and not careful."
Tj said sadly.
"I'm sorry. Now I understand why you were so upset with me when I used my magic on you."
Thea bent down and touched the dirt where Tj buried the witch. Then soon after, beautiful blue flowers started to rise from the ground.
"They are beautiful. Thank you."
Tj said.
"Your welcome."
"Are you going to sleep outside all night like an animal, or do you want to sleep in my room?"
"Where will you sleep?"
"I'll sleep on the couch in the tv room."
Thea said as she smiled. Then they both started to walk over toward Damien.
"Hey boy. I'm going to sleep inside. We are going to leave bright and early to head back to my home to train for the war, okay?"
Thea told Damien in a soft voice rubbing his head. Damien licked Thea on the cheek, then he laid back down. As Thea and Tj walk into the building, they noticed that the party was finally over. All the boys were cleaning up the mess. Axl and Caleb were too busy taking apart the DJ equipment to notice Thea walk in. Tj then walked Thea to his room.
"Thanks, Tj."
"No problem. See you in the morning."
He said then closed the door. Thea took off her shoes, got on the bed and fell asleep.
Morning came, and there was a knock on the bedroom door that woke up Thea. She walked to the door and opened it.
"Tj? What time is it?"
"Bright and early. Here's your backpack. So, shower up and let's gets on the road.
Tj said and handed Thea her backpack.
"Thanks. I'll hurry."
Thea closed the door and walked into the bathroom to shower.
"Caleb, why are you putting your bag in Tj's car? Aren't you riding with us?"
Axl asked.
"No, I'm going to ride with Tj."
"Whatever, I'm going to go check on Thea."
Axl walks to Tj's room and knocked on the door.
"I'm coming! I'm just putting on my jacket!"
Thea yelled while she walked to the door to open it.
"Hey, are you ready to go?"
"Yeah I'm ready. I just have to go let Damien know we are leaving now."
"Sorry Thea, but I went to check on him and I can't find him."
Thea shouted and ran to the spot where she saw Damien last.
"Damien! Damien!"
Thea yelled, then she whistled. Damien then flew down from the sky.
"Hey boy, you scared me."
Thea said and rubbed Damien's head.
"We are going to head back to my home now. You can track me. Go hunt and I'll meet you there."
Damien grunted then flew back up above the clouds. Thea and Axl started to walk toward his car. All of Tj's pack were in big jeeps, and Tj was in a big truck. Thea saw Caleb walk toward Tj's truck and then he got in. Axl noticed Thea staring at Caleb.
"He said he wants to ride with Tj. Don't know why, but let's go T."
Axl said and got into the driver's side of his car. Thea got into the passenger side. Axl started the car and drove off, leading all the cars to his home.
Why does Caleb want to ride with Tj? He can't possibly be thinking of joining his pack. He wouldn't. Or would he?
"Anything you want to talk about for the long drive home?"
Axl asked Thea.
"After the long night I had, I just want to rest and enjoy the wind hitting my face."
"Okay, I'll wake you when we are close."
Axl said then turned on the radio and started singing. Thea smiled. She rolled down the window and closed her eyes.

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