Her heels clattered against the wood floors of his home as she left the guest bedroom and made her way toward the stairs. She could her slight murmurs from downstairs letting her know her family were here and that everyone was ready to leave. She wished she could go to her parents home and curl up in her childhood bed. Hide from everything resurfacing, from being able to feel his presence and despite giving into the the terms of giving them a second chance, living in his house, wished she could hide away from him and just watch like and outsider to what was meant to be their home. She kept her eyes trained on the floor as she took each step at a time. Hoped for any way she could stall or get herself out of this one.


The whisper of her name washed over her, she felt him, the shiver down her spine before looking up at him. The pain, the reverie in his eyes as he remembered the better days. The dress, the loving and the promises they made to each other. She watched as he struggled to get some air in him. Clenched and unclenched his hands no doubt from wanting to grab her, crush her to his side or tie her down so she would never be able to disappear again. She could tell the nerves that wracked through his body. The staring eyes of her family who were now joined by his two siblings. She couldn't help reaching out to him. Naturally she gravitated towards him, like a magnet hand reaching out to squeeze his forearm to provide some comfort.

"Can we have a minute before we leave." His booming voice broke through the stifling air.

Feet clad in shoes shuffled against the floors into the living room. She didn't doubt a second they were all listening in whilst pretending to give them this space. As if realising where her hand lay she retracted like it was on fire, took a step back to create any little distance she could between them. She couldn't help the attractions and arousal she felt as she drank in his form. He had always been muscular but had filled out even more. The black suit he wore had her panties melting. Blue eyes delved deep into her soul as he never broke contact with her honey eyes. His brown hair was jelled back and perfectly in place, but you could still the small scar on his temple from the car accident. He closed the gap between them and she had nowhere to run. Like a caged animal between his warmth she desperately longed for and the stairs she tilted her head higher to peer into the eyes she could stare into forever.

His hand grabbed her left hand, slipping on the simple band they had used to tie themselves together. It was silver and thin, simple and classy.

"Alistair, what..." she began to protest.

"I'm not hiding us Marly, your my wife always have been and I'm not sorry about letting the world know that."

He rendered her speechless. Hand still in hrs she saw the twinkle of his band from hitting the lights. A replica of hers but slightly thicker, his wedding band sat on his ring finger as well. She watched as he bought another ring out of his pocket, an alexandrite sapphire cut in a pear shape, with two smaller diamonds cushioning it sat on a thin silver band. Unique, dainty and not flashy, it was what she had always dreamed of. And he remembered it. Hands that were always full of surety shook as they slipped it on above her band.

"It was two years after you were gone. I though I was angry, still angry and a little drunk when I walked past a jewellers. They had the sapphire but hadn't put it into place on a ring yet. So I bought it. I guess I knew we weren't over. I had the ring made, the way you always wants and I guess it was my subconscious telling me to hold out and wait. Because you and me Marlowe ,our destinies were designed by fate to always be entwined. We would have found each other. One day. Again."

She felt a tear hit her face before she even realised. Her heart felt heavy and she felt anguish. They had lost the chance to grow together, be together. And even now she knew she loved him more than life itself, that this was it for her, her eternity, even though she was still hesitant and wary. Scared of giving that last part of her she still had in on piece, in case she would be rendered broken from a heart break she could not take. The years she already spent without him already felt like endless torture and hell. Yet she couldn't find the voice nor courage to say anything. Instead she didn't fight him and nodded her head in acceptance of it all. The whole fucked up situation.

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