Wednesday 12:45 Am
Asch's POV
We were talking with Noi and catching up and I couldn't help but notice Leif and Noi getting so close together and they were always blushing when super close so a few minutes later Ava pulls Out a game humans okay called mo-no-pol-ey and we follow her lead, I don't know how but Rhys was winning "GAHH HOW ARE YOU GETTING ALL THE PROPERTY!" I yell and they all laugh "Skills just skills my Prince." Rhys applies, I growl and hear a door open behind us we look to see a Healing sorceress and Noi groan we look back to see him
Latching onto Leif we all look confused "What do you want Tiffany..." Noi glares are her I've never seen Noi so jealous before "Just giving you your pills Noi here Take Them!" She slams a glass of water and some type of small thing on the desk beside him and smiles "Hope your enjoying your stay here Leif~" she winks at him and giggles Noi only grows more irritated and pulls him closer "Umm Thanks.... I guess...." I could tell he was so confused "Who was that?" Ava asked "Oh her mmmmm she's 'Tiffany' a idiot nurse who keeps flirting with Leif though heh it's obvious he isn't interested right Leif." Noi was filled with jealousy which made me crack a smile "Well ya and it's obvious Noi's jealous~" he grins at him Noi turns beat red "N-No! Am not!" Noi pouts "Rhys can I talk to you outside?" I ask him he nods following me outside "Yes prince Asch?" He asks "Why is Noi acting so weird same with Leif?" I ask him "Hmm maybe Noi and Leif are falling in love with each other, I mean it's pretty obvious Noi is in love with Leif he gets so jealous when that Tiff-any girl is around." He explains I get excited "Yes that means less competition on who gets Ava!" I pump my fists up "Y-yeah Rhys says a little upset I look at him confused "What's wrong?" I ask he looks up shocked "O-oh nothing it's just I'm not sure if Leif is in love with Noi so we can't be certain yeah heh." Rhys says I look down little disappointed "Hmm then will just have to find out!" I object he nods and we go back in If they get together less competition on who gets Princess Ava and those two end out happy together it's perfect!

Thursday 6:07 pm
Pierce's POV
I was at the hospital with Leif visiting Noi the others were at the apartment "So Pierce how have you been lately?" Noi breaks my thoughts and I answer in a simple way "I've been fine, how have you been?" I ask "Alright it still hurts right here though but it's getting better." He puts his hand on his chest where he got stabbed, I look at him and nod "I have to go to the bathroom Leif can you help Me?" Noi asks Leif nods and helps him up, a few minutes pass and I hear a door open expecting it to be Noi and Leif but is was wrong it was a human man he was wearing the same clothes as Noi and looked at me confused "Your not Noi?" "No I'm his friend may I help you?" I ask he nods "Yeah I wanted to give Noi his hat her left it in my room when visiting." He shows me Noi's hat Noi visited this man? I ask myself "who are you?" I ask "Oh I'm Noi's friend John, what's your name?" He asks "Pierce." I respond "John?" We both look to see Noi and Leif by the entrance of the door "Oh hello Noi~ who is this another friend?" He asks "Oh yeah this is Leif I see you met Pierce." He walks over to his bed with the help of Leif. I see Leif glare at him like he was mad "what are you doing here?" He asks him "Came here to return your hat you left it in my room, also today I'm getting out!" John says exited "Wow that amazing I get out next week." Noi lays down and smiles "That's great, well I'll see you later bye Noi, Pierce, and Leif." He smiles at us and touches Noi's Leg I can see he was uncomfortable with that and Leif gives him a death glare as he leaves I was very confused

Friday 1:00 pm
Rhys POV
I was in this place called the Cafeteria with Ava getting some food for ourselves and asked "Do they have IceCream?" She chuckles and said "I'll ask." I nod as she does so a few seconds later she hands me a IceCream and I gasp and eat it. We return to Noi's room to see him and Leif Laughing they're heads off "What's so funny?" I ask "Leif told me a- Hahahaha h-hilarious j-joke!" He laughs as he does so we hear a voice behind us "Excuse me I must give 'Noi' his food." The Healing sorceress Tiffany pass threw us and putting Food in front of Noi he roles his eyes and we see the nurse wink at Leif brushing her hand lightly on his shoulder she leaves us and waves bye to Leif blowing him a Kiss we look back to see Noi hanging onto Leif like he was dying hissing at Tiffany, we sit back down to see Leif Smiling at Noi blushing "Your adorable you do realize that." Leif says I can confirm if Leif is in love with Noi, I most tell prince Asch I thought as we see Noi's face light up with Cherry pink "Mmmmmm!!!" He places his hands on his face trying to hide his embarrassment we all laugh as Noi finishes his food, Ava then brings out a deck of cards and we play a game called memory we were in two teams Me and Ava then Leif and Noi, Noi and Leif won "You guys make a great team you know." I say they chuckle "Yeah we do~" Leif wraps his arm around Noi's back to his shoulder pulling him in to cuddle

Saturday 10:50 am
Avas POV
We were in Noi's room chatting with him it was just me, Leif and, Him but it was a quite comforting mood, I was showing Noi some new clothes I got him while he was here and he liked them "Those look amazing Ava, thank you." Noi smiles I smiled back and whispered when Leif wasn't looking "Leif very sad when he has to go home he doesn't talk to anyone unless he's telling us he's going to visit you, it's adorable I think he likes you." I say and look as Noi's face is a blushing mess and what a low growl behind me I turn around to see Leif Giving me a death glare so I slowly back up trying not to laugh "Shut. It. Ava!" Leif was a blushing mess as well I snickered and got up to go to the bathroom when I get back I accidentally bump into someone "Gah I am so sorry are you okay?!" I help them up "O-oh yeah hello." It was that nurse Tiffany again the one Noi hates a lot "Hi umm here let me help you!" I help clean up and Bring more food and another pill to Noi "Here you go 'Noi'." She rolls her eyes and brushes up against Leif which makes him uncomfortable and Make Noi hold him closer when she leaves Noi groans "Finally shes gone!" He says We both laugh "Wow your really jealous of her huh Noi." I say he turns red and buries his face in his knees "S-Stop t-That!" He muffles we laugh more and Both sigh "Sorry but it was to funny, it's cute that you get protective over me Noi." Leif says And that only makes Noi blush from his forehead to Shoulders, I sigh and Smile They're so happy together I really hope they end up together, they deserve to be happy

2507 words the most I've had threw out my whole Wattpad experience XD

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