Years Ago

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Years Ago

Ashley had been in her room for a week now. Danny could tell that she was sick of it but she had to follow the pack doctors orders- and the Alpha's, Beta's and Andrea's.

Apparently she'd had a minor heart attack which she thoroughly disagreed with. "Who has a heart attack at fifteen?" she grumbled as she ripped the pages in a magazine from last week.

"You did," Danny sighed. "I saw it with my own eyes Ash; one second you were fine and sleeping, the next you were screaming and then silent. If you weren't a werewolf I would've thought that you were dead!"

She rolled her eyes at his dramatic statement. "I need to get out of here," she said for the hundredth time and slammed her head against the wall behind her bed.

Danny watched her closely, pretending to read another magazine.

Biting her bottom lip, Ashley leaned forward so that she was a breath away from Danny who was sat beside her bed. "Pleeeease, Danny, I have to get out of here!" she fluttered her eye lashes and stuck out her lips.

Ignoring her, Danny huffed and flipped another page. She continued to bite the inside of her lip and narrowed her eyes at the fire boy as she tried to figure out a way to get through to him.

"I'm going to take a shower," she grinned and skipped towards the bathroom door. Danny was there first and raised his eye brow. "If you think I'm going to leave you alone so that you can just get straight out the window, you're wrong!"

"So what are you gonna do? Watch me in the shower?" she wiggled her eye brows suggestively and grinned at herself. Danny sighed, tired of her act, "don't do this to me,' he pleaded.

Surprised by his giving up so easy, Ashley said honestly, "I'm not going anywhere."

The fire boy nodded and moved aside. Ashley smiled triumphantly. "Yet anyway," and she went inside.

Danny was waiting around for twenty minutes in her room. It seemed so empty when Ashley wasn't there to fill it. She finally emerged, fully clothed.

Dressed in ripped white shorts, a white, sleeveless denim crop top and a baby pink kimono. She wore her hair down and for the first time since her rebellious act, she was wearing some makeup. Nothing like the heavy black lines she'd been sporting before but a soft pink cheek and shiny eyelids. Danny lost his breath.

"You know, we never did celebrate your birthday," she purred. On instinct, Danny stiffened. His sixteenth birthday had become a touchy subject since he was so sure of who his mate was, yet there was no telling whether it was her for sure or if it was just a result of his hoping.

He got up from his chair as she stalked closer and he almost tripped over the bed in an attempt to stay away from her.

"What do you think?" she asked. "Shall we go out? You might meet your mate," she grinned cheekily. Grinding his teeth together, he reasoned, "no, I've already said. Andrea's said, the doctors said, even my dad has told you that it is not a good idea."

It was different for him, Ashley thought, at least he gets to go out during the day- granted, its only school but he still gets to breathe in fresh air but according to Summer, he'd been bunking off. Not wanting to spend time with Mia, Ashley assumed.

"Danny I've been in here a whole week and nothing has happened to me!" she reminded him. "Please," she asked and fluttered her lashes.

Hopefully, she stepped closer and put her hands on to his shoulders. "Please."

The fire boy leaned back in her hold so that he could see her face. She was pouting, her eyes peering from a cage of incredibly long lashes.

"Fine," he submitted. Oh yeah, she's the one, Danny thought smugly. "But only for an hour," he warned and she laughed, clapping her hands behind him and then throwing herself at him for a hug. "Yay!"

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