Years Before

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Years Before

The girls had both convinced Danny into taking them into town, as he was the only one of the three of them who could drive the packs jeep.

Humans were everywhere so Danny was surprised that Ashley had even wanted to go in the first place, but the way she was clinging to him, he had a feeling that the idea was Mia's. She was striding alongside them- a little ahead in fact.

Mia had pointed out an ice cafe in the centre of the shopping market and that was where they were all sitting now. All three of the teenage wolves had bought some frozen drinks which the stall called 'mulu's.'

Mia's was the flavour of mint chocolate chip and Ashley had copied Danny's cookie dough option.

The snow girl took her first sip. It took a while for the thick drink to makeits way up the straw, but soon the creamy flavour satisfied her taste buds. Chunks of what Ashley thought must be cookie dough swirled around in shake before being left behind for her to eat- that was her favourite bit. It was cold, almost comforting and Ashley welcomed it whereas Mia said, "I don't like it."

Danny smirked at Mia's reaction and then glanced at Ashley. He swallowed down the last of the cookie dough chunks nervously. She was wearing make-up today- she didn't need it, but she was- and the amount of mascara made her eyes look gorgeously big and innocent. She finally realised that he was staring at her, she blushed making her look even more beautiful.  

The fire boy longed to kiss her. Just like he had during the stupid game, and he was reminded of the intimate kiss that they had shared at the party. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to make it the next few months till Ashley's birthday, he guessed that it was a good thing that he was banned from Ashley's bedroom.

A sudden chill crept up Ashley's back, like a claw like embrace. Ashley, baby. Remember me?

By now, Ashley was completely frozen. The plastic cup of milk ran over the top as she tightened her grip on it.

"Ash, you okay?" Danny asked. Ashley was staring at the table, waiting to hear what Lawson had to say next. How could she ever forget? The evil man who made her into a monster. Who made her create the icy fires that she didn't want to make. Who made her scared. Who made her murder her own mother. How was  he here now? Now, after all this time. She'd rebuilt her life, mended herself- not completely forgotten, but stable.

Danny looked towards Mia, she looked impartial at first but was quick to draw her features to one of a worried friend. The fire boy yanked Ashley's face towards him. "Ash, what's going on?"

"Is there another werewolf here?" she whispered into his neck. She wasn't crying- not yet- but she was shaking. On that order, Danny lifted his nose into the air and took a long inconspicuous breath in; any humans who saw him sniff the air as if it were a dirty sock would most likely get suspicious.

Disapointed almost, Danny placed his mouth next to his best friends ear, "there's no one here but us Ash."

She was shaking her head as if she didn't believe him, as if he were somehow part of the game that Lawson was playing. Can you see me Ashley?

There he was again. Smirk in his voice, sounding just as- maybe even younger than he did the last time she had seen him. It must have been at least ten year- more even- and now he shows up?

Ashley waited for another word from him. They sat in silence for three full minutes and finally Ashley gave in, fisted up her hands to stop them from shaking and told her friends, "we need to go." Danny got up immediately along with Ashley, but Mia took a longer more relaxed approach as she slid out from the booth.

They left then and when all three were sat in the jeep, Danny in front, Ashley in the passenger seat and Mia behind them. Don't go back to the pack yet, Ashley told Danny. He shifted uncomfortably, feeling the solimnity of the situation. Ashley wasn't sure why she hadn't said it aloud; she trusted Mia just as much as she did Danny, but for some reason she just told Danny.

The fire boy drove left instead of right out of the car park and far in the opposite direction of the pack houses in the woods.

"What are you doing?" Mia demanded annoyingly. "Going home," Ashley said, keeping as level voice as she could, she then made eye contact with her friend in the mirror. Something- like terror- in her best friends eyes kept Mia's mouth shut.

They were miles out of their town when they stopped on the side of the road where a diner sat collecting dust. A light above the door flickered, it buzzed like a blue bottle in a bug zapper as the little energy they had out here made the neon sign flicker on and off like traffic lights.

"In here," Ashley had ordered; she had last heard Lawson three miles off and concluded that she was safe for now. "You guys go and get a drink, I'll be right behind you," Ashley instructed and they did.

On their walk across the tumbleweed worthy span of heated tarmac, Mia turned to Danny. "What is going on with her?" she hissed under her breath. Danny shrugged, he didn't look at her; he was scared to admit that she hadn't said a single thing to him other than uttering orders.

Ashley tried to focus. It was easy since the only sound was a quiet wind whistling past her ears and blowing her hair back over her shoulder rather than in front of her face where she wanted it to be. But this position was best; this way, with the wind blowing towards her, she'd be the first to know if anybody was approaching her.

She lifted herself up onto the hood which was scorching. It was a good job that she was the snow girl.

Sensing any little thing, swallowing deep inside her mind, trying to push out anything unwanted. It was Lawson who had taught her to do this. He said that if there were people inside of her mind they would always have control of her. She scrunched up her nose- which Danny would describe as cute- to remember what he had said next. Expel them... the emotion they want... change it. He wanted her scared, if he was telling the truth all those years ago, then she should be able to do this.

Ten minutes passed and she was still sat on the jeeps bonnet, her legs hung over the head lights and her head lay down on the roof of the car. Any evidence that she was scared she destroyed.

"Ash?" his voice beside her stirred her as if she had been asleep. She smiled lazily. The sun was just dipping beneath the grass on the opposite side of the road. Danny climbed up, so that they were side by side, legs and arms touching.

She layed her head onto his shoulder thankfully. Ashley had deciced that they would wait here for a while. Lawson would lose hope... hopefully.

"I love you, you know?" it came out of nowhere, but it didn't surprise either of them. Ashley cocked back her head so that she could see him fully, "I love you too." Danny smiled and put an arm around her shoulders. Yes, he thought forlornly, but not in that way. Ashley in turn wrapped an arm over his torso.

And that was when Lawson couldn't touch her at all; she was holding onto her one true fear, losing Danny.

This  was one of the nicest chapters  that I have ever written... aghhh I could cry they are so cute!

Love you all loads! It has been great to see that some of you were really worried that it was over at the end of last chapter, but don't worry; it's not over yet!

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