Years to go

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There was a slight breeze whirling around them. The sun was out for the first time this year. January frost still settled on the ground and cocooned the branches above them, not letting a single shoot purtrude from the bark.

Danny traced the outline of Ashley's palm with a careful finger and kissed along her collarbone. She shifted, tilted her head to give him more access and sighed in harmony. The fire boy tightened his grip on her waist, as if holding her down to the ground. "I'm not going anywhere yet Danny," the snow girl smiled up at him.

The same pain as before flit across his face. Seizing his eyebrows in a straight line and pursing his lips. "I know," he mumbled against the skin of her neck, she felt the delightful hum of vibration and looked back at the coal-shaft black sky.

The full moon was growing bigger in the sky. It was like a personal alarm clock for the pair.

"Remind me again how this works," Danny asked, leaning back against the tree and pulling Ashley further up his legs. When her back hit his chest, he wrapped his arms around her. The snow girl reached around and gathered a fistful of hair that she ran her hand through calmingly.

"I'm only able to appear in my human form by the light of the full moon," she recited her mothers words to him. "And then you're just allowed to come down here?" He asked confused. She leant her head back on his shoulder and grinned, "Dan, I'm the Moon Goddess, I can do whatever I want."

He chuckled close to her ear and then pecked along her jawline. "I've missed you," he finally sighed. Ashley dropped her loving gaze at the sky to the ground. "I know, but you have people around you down here. I'm all alone up there." She closed her eyes and swallowed. Danny glanced at the moon and then his beautiful mate.

"At least we have this," Danny decided. Ashley's eyes fluttered open ass if it were the breeze prying theme part. She nodded and with a tight smile she agreed.

Danny continued to kiss her neck, shoulders, hands; where Ashley had the ability to wonder around him without ever being seen, he only had this time to take in every detail of her small porcelain features, dainty child-like hands, perfect plump lips, silky brown like cocoa hair and her infectious smile- which she did more often now.

"So are you always there?" Danny murmered. In reply, "when I can be."

Ashley enjoyed the feeling of his lips on her skin, however faint that feeling may be. She could walk from room to room, following Danny but he could never see her, never know that she was there.

"Is there any news on Summer and Mia?" Ashley asked. Both were her friends, but one had betrayed her. Somehow Danny had known all along.

Danny's silence answered her question. She furrowed her eyebrows, pinching them together, and underlining her forehead. She'd been searching with the best of her abilities to find them both, but neither had been turned up. The Starlight pack territory was mostly forest terrain which was hard to search especially when you had hundreds of wolves all over the world demanding a mate. Ashley was still swarmed with the responsibilities of Goddess- she hadn't even finished high school yet but now she had to play miracle worker all over the world to wolves of different cultures, languages and religions. Ashley hadn't even go to the point of scoring a B in her last French test, but she was learning the ropes fast- alongside 38 different languages.

She'd taken over from her Mother, who had a certain elegance to whatever job she pursued, and then had watched as she walked into the light, away from her forever this time. Ashley was so sure that there was a dark figure god wing a side of the light. She hoped that it was her father was waiting on the other side for her Mum. She hoped that they finally got some peace.

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