Meeting her father

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What is going on?

These were the words repeatedly spinning around in Danny's head as he followed Mike, Ashley's dad, through the forests undergrowth.

He seemed in a huge hurry and he definitely didn't get that bloody injury by just standing still. Danny's breaths were coming out faster and faster; however hard he tried to keep up with Mike, he kept falling behind. Whatever Mike had seen it was obvious that he needed to get Danny there fast.

Ashley kept her distance but a sly twig would brake under her feet with every step she took. Neither of the men noticed. What is going on? she thought suspiciously as she hurried to keep up.

Her mother, Andrea, was close behind. She saw what her mate had seen and before she even had chance to stop her, Ashley was making her way towards the dreadful sight.

"Ashley!" she hissed but was ignored, the snow girl wasn't going to let her mate suffer just as Mike obviously had wherever he was leading them. Her mother might not mind that they could be doing something dangerous but she sure as hell did!

Finally Mike recognised the tree he had been thrown into only a short while ago. He slowed his pace to a walk as he came through the bush and into a clearing.

There were bodies everywhere, Danny nearly tripped over the packs beta as he followed through.

"I tried to get to you as fast as I could," Mark began as he scornfully searched the area for the bodies that Danny would need to see. "Your dad sent me to get you, I left while the fight was still advancing. They came from everywhere. We had fighters come and help but there were just too many of them."

Danny's eyes hardened. Was his father still here? Kieran surely would have helped. Was he here still? Is he hurt?

A small gasp behind them alerted the pair that Ashley was on their tail. Danny whipped his head to her as if he had just been forced. Her eyes bugged out of her head, she covered her mouth with a shaking hand and just as her eyes found something, she raced forwards.

"Danny!" she half shrieked. He stepped forward and tried to crane his neck around to see but Ashley had her back to him and was caressing a very familiar face.

Tears rolled down her cheeks and they splashed onto the boy in her lap.

He didn't want to see what was making his mate cry, he could feel the pain deep inside of her. The fire boy couldn't compel himself forward, knowing it would be something he really did not want to see.

Ashley couldn't help the strangled sob that escaped through her parted lips. Danny crossed the distance between them.

He stared down at one of the most important people in his life. His legs buckled from beneath him and he kneeled on the ground. He put a hand on his fathers hand and tried to shake him, he was so cold that he already knew he was dead.

"He can't be," he said unbelievably. He shook his head and couldn't stop, his Dad, the Alpha, the one who taught him everything, couldn't be dead.

"Goddess have mercy," Andrea whispered as she hugged Mark. When he showed her his minds image of the fight, this was not what she imagined; he showed them fighting and winning. At one point they were, they were at a check mate when the Alpha and his son took down the Rogue packs leader. He was struggling beneath the pair of them and Kieran had lunged for his throat but a fire had flared up a metre in front of his face and forced him to back away whining.

From then on the fight was in their favour as fire started pouncing up at any of the Starlight pack. At first the opposition were confused by the unexplained flames but were forced to snap out of it when their Alpha took Brandon's life.

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