City that never sleeps

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Falicano had headed off to find Nixon who he had befriended over the last few days, he also learnt that the boy was an insomniac because of his main city, NYC witch has been dubbed 'The City That Never Sleeps.'
He also discovered that a few of the states had that issue, state related and self related. But Nixon was the one who it affected the most due to his stay up late sleep all day lifestyle that many early risers despised.

"Ve? Nixon?" He asked knocking on the teen's door.
"Come in" Nixon said his voice sleep riddled. Falicano pushed open the door to be met with a dark room that had string lights running along the edges of the walls and along his desk.

"Hi Mr Falicano" Nixon greeted turning in his chair and using his foot to turn on the lights and turn off the string ones. How? Floor remote!

"What can I help you with?" Nixon asked.

"Oh yeah! What's her name, It started with an M, but she used some weird magic stuff to make us see what you see!" Falicano said waving around his hands as he talked.

"Really? Sounds cool. I'm cooped up doing paperwork sadly. You can ask one of the younger kids to show you around. Edward is normally willing and Viddy is always happy to help but she can be eccentric at times. Especially when she might be able to record things. Maybe Alabama is free."  Nixon explained, "Best to ask around the different people here and see who's willing."

"Ok!" WIth that Faliciano ran out of the New Yorker's room being mindful of the cord minefield

Lovino and Feliciano crashed into each other.
"Watch it bastard!" "Language!" Maine called throwing a throw pillow at Lovino. Nothing got past Maine. NOTHING. Mildly terrifying, but Lovino wasn't about to ask questions when most of the states had the ability to kill an entire city with no regrets. Not the people he tends to piss off.

Suddenly two, very girly, screams came from the backyard.

Alfred and Matthew sprinted to the backyard, Jackson already out there. They saw Gilbert carefully sat on the top of the barn and something trying to get at them.
"Oh, that" Alfred sighed he fired a shot close to the creature but are enough away not to hit it. It got spooked and ran away.

"What the bloody hell was that?!" Arthur asked.
"Oh, just a nightmare" Matthew sighed relieved. It was far too early to smash something's head in.

"A night- WhAT?!" "A nightmare eh, they try to get after the kids"

"Daddy!" Makanui cried as Gilbert climbed down and setting the hawaiian down. She bolted right to Alfred. Alfred slipped her into his jacket where she huddled contently.
"It's alright, i'm right here" Alfred said zipping up his jacket.

"I'll be back" Was all Austin said when he left, got into his truck (Thanks Tony) and drove. He'd texted Alfred a moment before starting the engine that he was going on a drive. He just wanted to drive, to get away from people. He didn't want to deal with people. He didn't like people, he could hardly stand people.

He drove down the road until he saw some people pulled over on the side. He pulled to a stop, he knew these people, it had been years but he knew them. Belgium and Netherlands. He changed his hair quickly, now he was blonde and his hair was cut short, but he couldn't get rid of that damn curl. He pulled on his hat effectively hiding the damn curl and got out of the truck.

"Need a hand?" He asked getting their full attention.

"Yes please!" Belgium chirped, she didn't want to be stranded in the middle of a forest. Netherlands huffed but let him. Austin looked under the hood then laughed, fixed a few things, small things that made the engine sound worse then It was.
"There," Austin said and got back into his truck. He could feel his heart being squeezed just being around more people, curse him being southern. He gave a wave before driving off again.

"Strange" Belgium commented, "He looked familiar"
"Forget it, we have to get there before Jackson starts calling us" Netherlands muttered getting in the car and starting it. Belgium got in and they drove off.


Austin continued to drive, he just drove. His snowboarding gear in the back and he drove. He wanted mountains. He needed a way to clear his head. He got to the mountain range and started his trek up to the peak, safety be damned.

(Help running out ideas, give me some)

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