Little Bunny

861 22 19

The house woke up to a scream of bloody fucking murder.

Feliciano and Lovino bolted out of the room right into Austin and his gun.
"What the fuck is going on?" Austin demanded.

"Outside" Lovino stuttered out in Italian but Austin had already gone into the room. He flung open the curtain seeing a familiar faceless demon.

He stared directly at it even with the increasing static playing in his head as a finished his small spell. The static stopped and the beast teleported away. Austin how ever wasn't done.

"Madison!!" He yelled storming down the stairs to be greeted by the stone faced teen.

"Yes brother?"

"Demon things are back, do your magic thing before they decide to go country huntin'"

"Of course" Madison then disappeared down the stairs.

"What the fuck was that?!" Lovino demanded but his yelling made Austin flitch.

"What was what?" Jackson asked shotgun in hand.

"No face mcgee" Austin said with a chuckle.

"That a-hole is back? Maddy on it?"

"Yes sir"

"Good, Get the other to check the house. Got it"

"Yes sir" With that Austin turned on his heel and flipped a small piece of wood on the wall.

He pressed a button before his voice was broadcast across the house. "Buenos días a todos, we had an unwanted visitor so if y'all would ever so kindly kick any unwanted-non country- visitors dat would be excelente" Austin said calmly, seamlessly switching accents for different languages.

"Gracias por tu tiempo" Austin finished out slapping the piece of wood back in plate before santering off gun still in hand.

The morning settled as the older states searched the house. An hour later Madison came back up stairs and talked to Noah "All as settled and the dust no longer bristles the wind" Noah said to the group before walking away.

"Nothing bad is in the house but that leaves another question. Madison? Alfred said.
"Yes father?"

"What magic did you do last night?"

The wind was knocked out of Arthur at the question and Lukas seemed intrigued.

"A simple one," Madison said a hint of cheekiness in her eyes.

"One that makes the others able to see Slender?"

"More than just him, Father, They should be able to see all of the creatures," Madison with a very small smile.

"I see, well done, seemed to have worked. At least on North and South Italy," Alfred said patting her head much to Madison's delight.

"H-how did. Wh-what?!" Arthur stammered out.

"Many things are possible if you mix potions with voodoo" Madison said calmly, "I however specialize with potions and spells. Lillian does voodoo."

"Have fun, good bye" With that Madison left the room.

"Good luck, most things are friendly." Alfred said before walking away.

A few beats of silence before Arthur turned to Lukas.

"Did you know?" Arthur asked in astonishment.

"Know about what?" He asked stone faced as always.

"That Alfred does magic?!"

"Oh, yes. I have" Lukas said simply.

Berwald gripped onto Tino's shoulders as he stared a floating bunny in the eyes. The bunny sniffed him before settling on Berwald's shoulder. It was a small white and brown bunny, they he remembered well. Alfred used to play with it when he was a child, well baby and second time around.

Berwald relaxed his grip now knowing the little thing liked him and that Tino was gently slapping at his hands to make him loosen his grip.

"Does vat mean I can finally see vat damn unicorn zat keeps licking me?" Gilbert asked to no one particular.

"A what?" Ludwig said, his mind lagging behind on the processing.

"Ve?" Italian said looking around now much more aware of his surroundings. They all snap out of their thinking to see a child run and slide to a stop in front of them.

"Maddy said you can see all the magic stuff!" Makanui said excitedly.

"Ja" Gilbert said not phased by her sudden entrance.

"I want to show you something!" Makanui declared grabbed Gilbert but the wrist and ran off and Gilbert struggled to keep up right. Gilbird flying after his companion.

"Vat?" Ludwig asked looking at the hall where Gilbert and Makanui ran down.

Lukas walked forward to his surprise there was a trail behind him, "what?" He said confused. He had never seen something like this.

"You'll get used it it" Jason said walking past them in a robe almost as red as is hair was orange, there was a gold trail behind him. "It's a show of magic, you all will have once since Massahole and Cajun used some weird voodoo magic" Jason said sipping his coffee watch them all slowly loose their crap.

"PANDA?!" Yao shrieked finally seeing the green glowing panda that had been following him for god knows how long. Picking up the creature and hugging it close.

"Oh yeah that thing had been following you forever" Austin laughed walking past them cup of coffee in hand and a tired Anastaia in the other with Aaron attacked to his leg as he walked witch he didn't seemed to mind.

A silver trail followed behind him that intertwined with a white one and light blue one. Ivan moved forward and smiled seeing a bright yellow trail behind him. Arthur was in stunned silence.

Tino moved forward watching a gold and white trail follow him, he smiled looking at it. Peter was running in circles a blue trail behind him, he was obviously loving it. Kugelmugel was starting at the rainbow that was at their feet.

Berwald was preoccupied with the little bunny on his shoulder to see the snowy white that hovered around his feet.

Emil was watching the black cat that watched him from the back of the couch, a normal seemingly cat but its tail split into two and had pure gold eyes. "That's Hallow, we found him in a abandon house on halloween surrounded by broken glass," Jason said vaguely pointing his coffee cup at the black cat.

"That has to be really cursed" Matthias said looking at the cat.

"Nah, she's a sweet heart, She ain't bad" Jason shrugged drinking some more coffee.

"Feel free to re-explore the house, don't recommend looking into the woods with out one of us kids you might get more then you though there was. See ya" Jason laughed and walked away gold trail following.

"Have fun~" Jason said his voice taking on a sing song tone.

Berwald was happy to see the little bunny once again that his son had fondly loved and seemed to still love seeing as the bunny was a little on the chubby side.

"Do you think they remember?" Tino asked quietly looking at his husband, Berwald thought for a moment and sadly shook his head no. Tino nodded sadly and pulled out his phone, he texts Netherlands to not get his hopes up. Govert texts back that he won't.

A sad but happy moment for the duo. 

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