chapter 56(unedited)

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Farha pov//

Today theo is so excited,we all are going for a picnic,i mean my family and lucas's family.It was lucas who had the idea to spend more times with us and whatever problem we still had we can forget for the day.Thoe wanted to visit zoo and amusement park so we thought at first we will go to zoo then amusement park.But then suhana suggests its not possible for us to visit both places in one day so why not we should go amusement park today then tomorrow or any other day we will visit zoo and we all agreed to that.

Everyone was happy,i am seeing them smiling like this,having friendly talk between abbu and uncle mason since so long.I know they can never be close like before so easily but at least they are trying.Things have become more awkard between uncle,emily and specially john.I mean john accepted the fact that uncle mason will always be a part of emily's life,he has no problem to have a friendly relation with him but i think uncle mason is having difficulty to accept that emily has moved on,she has tolerated enough and now she dont want to do anything with uncle.He knew that what he did it was unforgivable but he still lived in this hope one day his angel will forgive him and come back to his arms.He knew that emily deserves happiness but how can he convince his heart that his love has already faded away,she will never come back,she is no more angel to her.Though they were still married but he has lost the right to be her husband.Even sometimes i saw him to shed his tears silently and emily knew that too but i can also feel her pain.My love was one sided but not her,they both loved each other but still he couldnt kept his promise and if i were her i would have done the same.But still i have decided to give us  another or second and last chance and i know he will not dare to do the same mistake.

We had so much fun today,We all rode many rides.It was our first time after theo's birth that we are in picnic and whole family was there.I think they all were feeling the happiness specially 2 kids and their childish father.Even their grandparents was not less.They compete with each other so that they can show who loves theo the most his dada-dadi or nana-nani which made me and fariha roll our eyes.But i dont know i notice that adam and suhana were behaving very weird,i mean suhana is very talktative and adam would always make fun of her but it feels like they were keeping their distance not even look into each other's eyes.Not that they were close enough or something but it was awkward and if anyone notice them carefully they would understand.I wanted to ask her is everything alright or not but i thought it could be my illusion or something so i didnt.

After having all the blast at last we were on our way to home.Both kids were so exausted and the adults too.We were almost reached our home suddenly lucas stopped the car so suddenly which made us to bounce on our seat."Lucas what happened?" "mom i think the engine problem,you all wait i am going to check what the actual  problem is."

So after waiting for a while lucas informed us that the engine became hot and there was smoke around us,so you have step out from the car and have to walk and we were neat our house ,just have to cross the road then after some step we will reach.So rehan took abraham ,lucas was busy iwas about to take theo but uncle john insist to take him because i was exausted too.When lucas was busy and me,uncle mason,john and theo have decided to cross the road.Suddenly theo woke up and insist to walk with john.

We were waiting for red light.Then we saw some puppy was across the road.I dont know what happened and it happen so suddenly we didnt realized and my baby left john's hand to took the puppy.When we realize what happened john ran after him so did uncle mason ,when theo realize a car was coming after him he just froze and got scared,john did able to caught him but that car did hit someone.A scream escape through my mouth which caught their attention.They ran towards us but it was already late.Blood was everywhere on the road.We still didnt knew who got hit,i was shaking really hard and when we saw who got hit everyone gasped.

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