chapter 12

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Farha pov:

I am resting on my bed for freaking 5days. Can you imagine?

 It's just a weakness that can be healed by resting for a day or a maximum of 2 days if I eat and rest properly.

But this is insane.

Uncle mason instructs me and everyone that I should not get out of my room even my bed. If I want anything I should call any maid but my question is, why? I have not broken my body part or I was not in a coma for so long, so why should I rest that long. I even asked uncle that question in reply he starts his emotional blackmail:


Uncle mason: Farha you are my daughter. I know not biologically, I never consider you as an outsider, plus your Abbu is not here, so it's my responsibility to take care of you. I still can't believe that you have fainted, in my office, in my care!

 You know, when I heard the news that you faint I felt so much hurt. I should have taken care of you properly in the absence of your Abbu.

Me: I know uncle you are feeling upset. But I have already told you that it was not your fault, I should have manage. You asked me to rest, take care of myself properly so I am following your instructions. But uncle it's been 2days I am ok now. I should go to the office.

Uncle mason: I know you don't consider me as your father. I am just worried about you.

You know, I always wish to have a daughter like you, when I  have found one I just want to protect her from all the bad things. But if you feel you are well enough so it should not be my right to stop you. After all, I am your uncle :(

Me: uncle I didn't mean that. Of course, I consider you like my father. I also know you care for me that much. Please don't say like that and please don't be upset. I will rest how many days you want.

Uncle mason: really ( jumping like a kid) I know you will never refuse me. Come, my dear, I want a big hug.

So I hugged him and he patted my head.


But now I can't. I will not fall into his emotional blackmail anymore. I came down saw uncle was talking with Martha.

Uncle mason: dear do you need anything, you should have called me or Martha. Are you feeling ok, do I need to call the doctor.

Uncle, uncle I am ok. I am really fit right now. I will go office today and u will not stop me, if you do then I will go back to my family in Bangladesh.

Uncle Mason: no dear, ok I will listen to you. I will let you go to the office but if anything happens again then every one of them has to suffer, mark my word. No one can harm our Farha. I will not let anyone harm you I will not care whoever the person is.

I don't know but I felt touched and overwhelmed that apart from my family uncle Mason cares for me so much. How lucky I am. I have so many who loves me very much, playing the role of protecting the shield of my life.

I know that the people in my life are so precious and they also feel me like that. They will never let anyone harm me. Hey Allah mabud Tomar kache Ami onk kritoggo( hey Allah I am so grateful to you) that you send these people into my life.

Me: I know you will not let anyone harm me. Believe me and don't worry nothing will happen to me, I have you and my family. ok, now I have to go. Let me get ready.

Uncle Mason: ok go get ready and I will take you with me to the office and you will say nothing, end of discussion.

After this sweet father-daughter moment, I was ready to go, I don't know but I was feeling awkward. I don't know what happened after that in the office I didn't even saw Lucas anymore after that incident. Don't know what conversation happened between uncle and him.

At office//

I entered the office and when I reached our department everyone was staring at me which I doubt will happen for sure. I sat on my seat and Nia came to me with Liam and Cathy. They literally jumped over me and hugged me tightly.

Nia: thank god girl you are well. We got so scared, why didn't you care for urself. Do you want to die that early? if you want then let me tell you, you can't. We will not let you, do you understand?

Liam: that's right. I don't know I should be happy or angry. Happy because you are doing well and angry because that bitch torment you and we couldn't do anything.

Cathy: let it go now Liam, at least that bitch is not here anymore.

Me: what do you mean she's not here

Nia: Oh I forgot to tell you after you faint here the next day senior and junior Manhattan came into the office and scared the hell out of her. Everyone got so scared some of them were shivering. The senior boss was like


" How dare you bully the other employees, who gave you the fu**king right? Because of you one of our interns got sick. Just because you are in a higher position who gave you the authority to do such a thing! Lucas I have given u the empire so you should know how to handle this kind of employee.

Lucas: yes dad. Miss Maria, you are fired

Maria: but Lu..cas

Lucas: what did you say? How dare you to call my name, have you forgotten you are just a mere employee! Get the hell out of here otherwise, I will make sure you will not get a job anywhere. Do you get it?

Maria: ye...s

Lucas: now pack your things and what the hell are you all doing here? Go back to your work, the drama is over.


Me: what? I mean I know she should not have done it but it was unfair to insult anyone in front of everyone.

Liam: Oh please, she was a certified bitch and we all know that. if that incident didn't happen she would make any other intern's life hell so whatever happened it's happened for good.

Nia: ya you are right. Now let's get back to work. if the boss saw us doing gossiping then the next will be us who will get fired.

Me: ya you are right. let's get back to work.

Lucas pov:

I was watching her on my laptop, there was CC TV in every department in my office. I couldn't sleep properly after dad and my conversation


Dad: Lucas what happened today I am very much disappointed with you. How could you let it happen? What do you think, that I don't know what you were doing with that woman? You were having fun with that plastic bitch and when Farha saw it you scold her so bad and held her so tight that it made her faint.

Lucas: I am really sorry dad, I know I shouldn't have done this. Sometimes my anger takes over me.

Dad: stop with that lame excuse. You are old enough to control your anger. 

Because of your anger, you can't make her or anyone's life miserable. 

You know how much I adore her. So don't you dare to think that just because you are my son I will forgive you easily, and that's why I found the solution.

Lucas: What do you mean by finding a solution dad! What do I have to do?

Dad:  All I know is your life needs balance. And it's high time to settle in your life, so I think you should get married and stop whoring around. 

And when I said getting married, it means you have to marry one particular person, whom I think will be perfect for you, who will teach you how to love some, unconditionally, and I think, Farha is best for you.

Lucas: what!?

Aaaaand papa Mason dropped the bomb on Lucas, so what do you think? Lucas will take the bomb or throw it away I mean decline the decision?

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