chapter 30

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Third-person pov//

Farha was persistent about moving out from here, so she gets rid of the dress which she wears only for her husband, she just throws it in the trash bin, then went to the shower. When she went under the water at first she winced, she totally forgot about the cuts. The water was running and she stood in front of the mirror, she observed her every cut, every bruise, every mark which she got from her husband. She just wanted to get rid of the marks, she was rubbing her body so much while remembering the moments she spent with that person. She was in pain but she didn't focus on that, she just wanted to get rid of that moment, all those so-called sweet things she once got from that person.

Her body was getting red but she didn't care. Then her mind reminds her she has to be strong for herself, she should not make him happy, she should not let him satisfy, she will go from here, so far from him.

After finishing her shower and applying some antiseptic, wearing her usual clothes she got ready. She packed her bags and went downstairs, she saw all the glasses and plates were broken, food was lying on the floor. Everything looks a mess just like her life, the incident of the last night flashes infront of her eyes again. A tear fell from her eye unintentionally. She made her mind she will not tolerate all of this, when she was about to go from here a husky voice made her stop right there

Farha pov//

"Are you going somewhere my dear bitchy wife??" suddenly I stop, I turn around, and there he was standing as nothing has happened."I am going from here, from you, from this house where you are doing disgusting things with that girl, I am leaving all of these"
ok ok, so you want to go so that you can see the dead body of your family, right?' my bags fell from my hands from shock reply, I ran to him and grabbed his collar"what did you just say?" I screamed at him did you just screamed at me you bitch! Have you forgotten what punishment you got last night or I have to rewind it for you??

Suddenly, last night's memory flash infront of me and I lost my words while remembering the incident anyway so I was saying if you want to go then you will find your dear family dead" what the hell are you talking about, I know you will not do anything, you can't do that, I will tell everyone what did you do to me, you lied to us, I will tell my family, I will tell dad he will not let you harm my family"

And you will tell what, that I have lied to everyone? ook, come on are you that naive to think that lying is a crime! At least I didn't kill anyone, not yet. You know my man is still in your country, do you want me to make a call and tell him to kill your family and make it like an accident?

I was shocked by his confession, I couldn't speak, I left his collar and step back from him, my tears make their way to fall down.No he will not do anything like this, I am sure he is just threatening me, he can't be that much cruel, he cant so eager to get revenge from me, I know he will not get so low

If you are thinking I am just threatening you, then let me give you some demo' he then called someone, after some ring a person picked up "Jaffar how are you man, oh wait a minute" he then put the phone on speaker mode ok now tell me, are you doing the thing properly that I told you to do? yes, boss, I am now watching Zahid Rahman, he is outside of the court, discussing something with his lawyer friend and what about the other members? one sister is in university and the other is in college, Mrs. Neha is at her home he looked at me, I was pleading him with my eyes and not to do anything stupid but he didn't budge he just smirks at me and keep talking on the phone well Jaffar if I tell you to kill someone and made into an accident can you do it? yes, sir, it can happen, do you want me to do it, just tell me that person's name, and I will do it if you want and make my check ready. I couldn't believe it how can he ask that person to do this, he was looking at me and starts acting as if he gave it a thought

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