"Huh? Oh, it's nothing, don't worry about it" I say and give him a weak smile.

He frowns, but decides not to say anymore as he takes another huge bite of the pancakes. He takes a sip of the orange juice and smiles.

"Damn even the orange juice is better than I've tasted" he says as he stares intently at the glass with a huge grin.

"I squeezed it myself. I think it tastes better than store bought, but I could be biased" I say with a shrug.

"Nah, this is some good stuff. You don't mind me coming to your house for breakfast every day do you?" he says, but I'm guessing it's a joke. Why would he come over every morning just to eat food I cook?

"Yeah sure, why not" I say to play along. He smiles and continues eating.

Once we're both done, I grab our plates and put them in the sink. I'll do the dishes when we come back from school.

"We should head to school soon, it's 8:15" I hear Jayden say, and nod. School starts at 8:30 and it's a 10 minute drive from my house to school.

"Yeah, I don't want to be late for first period. Coach'll have my head" I say, and Jayden laughs.

"Same, let's go before Coach kills us then" he says, and I look at him confused.

He sighs, "We have first period together. Maybe I'm not as memorable as I thought" he says, with a hand on his heart and a pout.

I look at him with wide eyes, "Oh my god Jayden I'm so sorry. I haven't really paid attention to who's in my classes this semester" I say, as I look down and play with the hem of my shirt.

"Hey, hey I was kidding, don't worry about it. At least you know we have Biology together" he says with a smile, and I smile in return. Honestly, if Jayden didn't talk to me yesterday to tell me about the tutoring, I wouldn't have known he was in my biology class. But I'm not going to tell him that.

I lock the door, and we head out to his car. The drive to school was pretty fun. We sang along to songs on the radio. I laughed whenever Jayden sang off-key, to which he just gave me a huge grin.

We get to school with 3 minutes to spare, and Jayden hastily parks the car. We both get out and sprint into the school. We run as quickly as we can through the halls and into the boy's locker room.

We change and leave the locker rooms just as the bells rings. We sigh in relief, and I look at him to see him already looking at me with a smile. I smile back, and we walk over to where everyone was gathered around the coach.

Jayden's POV

I honestly wasn't too offended when Axel didn't know we had Phys Ed together. He hasn't been paying attention in class and to his surroundings since the beginning of school, so I wasn't surprised when he didn't know we had classes together. Though, him freaking out because he thought he offended me was so cute.

We made it to school with 3 minutes to spare as we rushed out of my car and into the school. I saw people in the halls give us weird looks as we sprinted through the halls and into the locker rooms.

We finished changing and exited the locker rooms just as the bell rang. We made it just in time. I turn and smile at him in which he returned, and we walk over to where everyone was gathered around Coach.

"Listen up!" Coach says, gaining everyone's attention.

He looks around to make sure everyone is listening before continuing, "Today we're starting basketball, so I'm going to split everyone up into two teams. You guys are going to play a game, a serious one. You guys are going to play like you are NBA finalists, and this game decides your whole future. It's a do or die situation. Everyone on the team must play, so that I can evaluate each one of you to see what you guys need to work on. Now I'll read off the list and when you hear your name, go to your respective colour. Red on the right, and blue on the left. On the red team, Valerie, Franco, Jayden, Gilbert, Bella, Tyler and Axel"

I sigh with relief when I hear Axel's name. I walk over to my side, and see Axel there and smile. He smiles back as I go stand beside him.

"Everyone who was not called, you're on the blue team. Now, decide who's gonna be playing first. I'll give you guys five minutes before we start" Coach says, as he turns around and walks away.

I look around my team. There are two jocks besides me, so no doubt that we'd be on the starting lineup. But everyone else on the team seems to be non-athletic.

"Okay, so obviously me, Tyler and Jayden are gonna be starting. But we're going to need two more people" a guy, which I think was named Franco, says.

"I think Axel should start with us" I say, and the other two nod. I hear Axel sigh in relief and I hold back a smile.

"Who else wants to start?" Tyler asks, and Gilbert raises his hand.

"You ladies don't want to?" Franco asks, as they shake their heads.

"Nah, we'll play next. We want to play against our friends who are going on the next shift" one of the girls, Valerie I think, says and we nod in understanding.

"Okay everyone who's starting, get on the court!" Coach yells, and five of us from each team gets on the court. I turn and smile at Axel, but he wasn't looking at me. Instead he had a serious and concentrated look on his face as he stared down the other team.

Oh yeah, Axel used to be on a varsity basketball team. I wonder how good he is. This should be interesting.


A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote, and have a nice week! :)

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