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"hey bakugou?"

"yeah" he grunted

"tell me ,, what do you wanna do when you're older?" i tilted my head as i drunk some of the strawberry milkshake sitting in front of me.

"i want to be a business owner. i'm gonna work my way to the top and surpass all those other losers." he grinned in triumph and crossed him arms as he leaned back in the booth seat.

"i see." i hummed

"i'm not completely sure what i wanna do yet." i sighed and put my head in the palms of my hands and pouted.

"you'll find something shitty hair. just work for it and you'll get there."

i shrugged and pulled out my phone.

"oh! it's 7:45 ,, i need to go meet kami and the others!" i exclaimed and grabbed my stuff.

"i'll see you back at the dorms." he stood from the booth and kissed my cheek softly.

my face lit up and i nodded.


we both left the cafe and i walked to the park to meet kaminari , sero , and mina.

"yo kiri!"i heard kami and turned to see him waving with sero and mina.

''hey guys." i smiled as i walked over.

"you ready to go?" sero asked with a smile.

"of course"

we started walking and eventnually we arrived to the spot we were to hang out.

"finally!" mina exclaimed and ran forwards and jumped on the park bench.

"this is a perfect place to hang mina." kami said as he looked around.

"yeah ,, howd you find it?" sero tilted his head as he leaned against a tree.

"uhh we dont need to focus on that but no one comes here so its perfect."

"what are we doing here anyway? you said you had something you wanted to do." i tilted my head at the three infront of me.

"well kiri" mina started grinning evily.

"we wanted to see if you were down to do something." sero smirked with a shine in his eye.

"but its perfectly fine otherwise." kami hummed as he poured out the contents of his bag.

all scattered on the ground were small bags and bottles.

"whats that?" i tilted my head and picked up one of the baggies.

"that my friend" sero wrapped his arm around me "is an escape from everything."

"we know youve been stressed out lately ,, so we decided to help." mina smiled and swiftly grabbed one of the bottles.

"how does it work?" i rose a brow.

"let us show you." kami gestured for us to have a seat and we did.

he opened one of the baggies and began doing his thing as mina filled a cup of whatever she had in the bottles.

sero took the cigar from kami and lit it and passed it to me.

"just inhale it okay?" mina said and i nodded.


i pressed the cigar to my lips and slowly inhaled it.

my throat burned and i quickly exhaled ,, leading to a coughing fit right after.

"whooooo! our boys a man now!" sero exclaimed and kami grinned excitidly.

mina then poured some of the brown liquid into the small glasses they had brought.

"and now drink this." kami smiled and handed me one.

i quickly downed one and gagged.

i kept taking what they handed me and eventually my mind was seperated from my body.

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