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"What? What do you mean 'what' were you not paying attention?"

"No..." I looked away from bakugous gaze and fiddled with my hands.

He facepalmed and let out a groan. "And i thought dunce-face was the idiot."

He cupped my face in his hands.

"Come on Eji, lets go to our room."

I nodded as he stared deeply into my eyes before he smirked. He lowered his hands and grabbed mine.

He turned and gave them a gentle tug before letting go. We walked together in a comfortable silence.

When we got into our dorm room i sat on my bed.

"Im gonna shower. Dont do anything crazy." he shot me a stern look and i nodded.

"I wont." i smiled lightly.

He nodded and entered the bathroom.

I let out a deep sigh and let myself fall onto the bed.

I stared at the ceiling lost in my thoughts.

'Bakugous my soulmate?'

'So that explains why hes been so nice to me lately - wait.

He . called . me . eji .

Bakugou gave me a nickname??'

My eyes shot wide as the memory replayed over and over in my mind.

'Is bakugou even gay?? Are we dating since we're soulmates? Does he even - '

"What are you thinking about?" i heard bakugou call from the other side of the room.

"Uh nothing dont worry. We should head to bed." i smiled climbing into my bed and Bakugou flipped the lights off crawling into his own.

Almost as soon as my head hit my pillow i was in deep sleep.

(A/N) sorry once again for the lack of updates ! Ive been on writers block and I havent been very motivated to write lately . hopefully i can get in a few more updates for you all :)

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