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i opened my eyes and mumbled slightly. the room was full of sunshine from the open window and it was safe to assume it was around two in the afternoon.

i winced and squeezed my eyes closed as a throbbing headache hit me. i clenched my fists and felt a warm fabric. i snuggled closer into the sheets when suddenly they moved.

my eyes widened and i sprang up and looked at the object under my sheets.

"what the-"

"bakugou?" i yelled and moved away. he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes and the sheets fell off of his body exposing his chest.

"the fuck - shitty hair?"

his sleepy mumbling made my heart beat speed up and the blood rushed to my face.

"heyyyyy bakubro how'd ya sleep tonight?" i chuckled nervously and avoided his glare.

"maybe if you weren't on top of me i would've slept great." he scowled and threw the sheets off from his body and stood from the bed stretching.

"ahh sorry-"

"can it, just go get a shower you smell like alcohol."

"oh okay i guess." i stood up and grabbed a quick outfit and went to the bathroom.

"god i hope i didn't do anything stupid last night"

i cringed slightly and started the shower and when it got to the right temperature i stepped inside.

the hot water ran down my body as i got lost in my thoughts.

"what if i did??"

"what if bakugou hates me??"

"i can't even remember anything from last night."

"god this is just terrible."

"hey hurry the hell up hair for brains!" i heard bakugou beat on the door and it stopped my thoughts.

"oh! i'm sorry i'm almost done!" i turned the water off and dried myself and threw on my clothes.

i unlocked the door while drying my hair and walked out smiling.

"sorry baku-"

"whatever." he pushed me to the side and walked inside.

i heaved a sigh and walked out of the dorm room.

"great bakugou just hates me and it's not even the first day."

my phone buzzed and i unlocked it.

'hey kiri! i miss you.. i'm sorry for what happened in middle school but it was honestly just a joke. can you meet me later?'

i internally groaned and pushed back my memories of middle school.

the answer to this was a big N-O

how could anyone ask to hang out after that?

we're not even close to being friends so why?


Hey guys! i'm sorry i've been on major writers block :/

if you want comment some ideas you'd like to see in this, it'd be much appreciated.

ahhh if you want follow me on insta or snapchat not for clout but just cuz i need friends XD

insta :ms.boii1.0
snap : kix.26

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