Chapter 8

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So I went on a little bit of a writing spree yesterday and I have all of the next three and a half chapters written and ready to go, so all updates will be on time for the next two or so weeks!

Alesa's POV
I sprinted and ducked around the corner, narrowly avoiding the golden sword that clashed against the coded wall behind me, making it flash with red code. It disappeared a moment later and I heard it clash against a second sword, probably Mitch's. I used the opportunity to get some distance, flicking my one chain in both of my hands. The other was lying on the floor somewhere in the mainframe, I'd have to pick it up later.

Glancing around the server room, I saw that Ty, Mitch and Jerome were cornering Adam, wearing him down as he attacked viciously, seeming to have nearly endless reserves of energy. Quentin was waiting nearby and when Ty took a step back, he took his place, using his spear two-handed. To my right, a door stood in the wall of the mainframe that didn't exist in the real world. The edges glowed bright green with lines of code racing down through an inky black hallway.

It was a USB connection and with any luck, we would get Adam on it and Ian, waiting in the real world, would take it out and trap him in there. From there, it would be a simple matter to take him back to base, get him out of the mainframe and trap him somewhere so that we could figure out how to... well, fix him.

For now though, I moved around to gain some space from the fighting group, slowly spinning my chain in my hand to create momentum. I could tell that Adam was getting tired now, but with three people fighting him at once, someone was cutting him off every time he tried to make an escape. We were forcing him closer and closer to the USB port as Ty swapped with Jerome in the fighting.

I gave a whistle, then threw out my chain towards Adam. The other Glitches reacted in time to get clear and my weapon wrapped around Adam's arm, the heavy leaden ball spinning around several times, throwing him off balance. Quentin used the opportunity to bring the end of his spear across Adam's head, sending him reeling further. I yanked hard on the chain, feeling horribly guilty as Adam stumbled over, one of his swords slipping from his hand but he managed to move the sword in his free hand to block Ty's flat blade that was going to knock him out. He was close to the USB port now, just a little more and-


I stepped to the side, keeping my chain around Adam as the other Glitches ducked out of the way. Jerome sprinted in and jumped, two feet hitting Adam's chest and flinging him backwards. I quickly uncoiled my chain as Adam flew backwards and disappeared into the inky black doorway.

"Ian, take it out!" Quentin blurted over the microphone attached to his coat lapel.

Nearly instantly, the bright green door edge flashed and disappeared, leaving behind the flat wall of the mainframe. All of us let go of a deep breath, a few of the guys chuckling with relief. Mitch had grabbed my second chain and threw it over to me as Adam's abandoned sword dissolved into red code that faded out of existence.

"Same time, back at base?" Quentin asked.

Ty chuckled. "Sure, how hard could it be?"

I grinned as I wrapped up my chains and returned them to my belt. "We'd better get going, don't want to keep the guys waiting."

With varying grins, the other Glitches disappeared, pressing down on bracelets or necklaces and dissolving into bright green codes. I followed suit, reappearing in the real world a few moments before Ty, just in time to see the others leave out the door.

Only a few minutes ago, Ty and I had gotten the call that Adam had been spotted in one of the Sparkles Tech servers. Quentin and Ian joined us here, Ian bearing a new USB that Jason had reinforced just for the occasion. With no files and extra-protective firewalls, it should be enough to keep Adam under control for the few minutes we needed.

System Reboot (Sequel to System Failure)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora