Chapter 2

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Alesa's POV
Some Glitches found the transition from the real world to the mainframe disorientating or nauseous, but I found it quite comfortable; relaxing, even. The whole dissolving-reforming process made me feel alive and as soon as my body reformed, I dropped to a crouch, ready to leap out of the way as soon as something attacked, looking around to get my bearings.

The mainframe was like a second layer of our world, mostly black but with strips of green code dashing across it. Small dimly flickering orbs showed where the computers were, each orb filled with the tiny green codes of files. Some were shattered and lying on the ground in shards of red, damage that can only be caused by a virus.

Ty stood a few rows of desks to my left, also looking around. "I'm not seeing any viruses Jason, can you find them?"

"I'm trying to hunt down the trojan," Jason's voice crackled through the earpieces. "The worm is moving pretty fast but he'll be nearing you guys in a few seconds."

"Then let's set up a welcoming party," I said, taking my two coiled chains and flicking them out to their full length. At the end of each was a small leaden weight that clicked a little against the ground.

Ty looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Planning on tangling him?"

"If we get his legs, he can't run," I reasoned quickly as I moved to duck down behind a desk. "Easy target."

"Right, because everything in our lives is simple."

I raised my head enough so that he could see that I was sticking my tongue out at him. "Just get your sword ready."

He had the nerve to laugh as he ducked down behind another desk and not a moment too late either, as Jason warned "Incoming!" and a bright red flash of light came whizzing out of one of the computers, smashing through another one and causing it to burst into bright red shards. A laugh came from it but it quickly changed to a yelp as I rose and flicked one of my chains at it. My reach was a bit off so instead of wrapping around the virus, the lead weight only hit it and it went crashing down, taking a human form as it fell.

The worm now looked like a young man with a grey shirt and navy pants, with a sword sheath on his back, the brown strap holding it cutting across his chest. He wore sunglasses which instantly made me think of Adam but I pushed the thought aside because this wasn't Adam; this was a virus.

"Hey, a Glitch!" the virus said with a wide grin. "Come to join in the fun?"

"Where's your trojan buddy?" I asked.

I heard a few taps through my earpiece and then Jason's calm voice saying "Already on it, but the firewall's going to take a while, it's pretty damaged." Ty must have tapped out a message to him but I kept my focus on the virus.

"Oh, they're out and about," the virus said with a nonchalant wave of his hand. "I wouldn't worry about that trojan. You've got bigger problems on your hands. Out here all alone aren't you?"

I scoffed. "Have you ever seen a Glitch alone?"

The worm grinned. "Well then, I'll get going, nice to meet you."

His body dissolved into bright red coding in the shape of a human as he jumped up and made to sprint away. I flicked out my chains and he was only partially able to dodge them, one ending up wrapped around his leg as the other pinned his arms to his chest. Ty leapt out of his hiding place, his sword already drawn and he slashed for the virus.

But the worm was already off balance from getting up and my hit made him lose his balance, leaving Ty's blade to only hit the chains, which loosened them up enough for the virus to slip his arms free and dash off, laughing and catcalling.

System Reboot (Sequel to System Failure)Where stories live. Discover now