The Present

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The year is 3022. And our world has evolved but well... we're not doing too great right now.

Ever since Notch, possibly the greatest coder to have ever existed, helped to create the technological utopia that we call home today, viruses have existed to break down, corrupt and destroy every system, every mainframe and every file we create. They are ruthless and cruel, feeling no emotion and having no empathy. They exist only in cyberspace and only as fragments of code, yet they still manage to impact our world.

We don't know how they were first created. Some say they created themselves and gave themselves a purpose. Others say that they are the work of hackers trying to cause terror and destruction, or even that they're rogue AIs seeking revenge for their slavery.

But no matter who they are, they have the ability to bring our world to its knees.

To stop them? We have the Glitches.

They are the people who stepped up to protect our world. Part human and part code, they are the defenders of the system, the people who put their lives on the line and who dedicate every day to eliminating all viruses, stepping into our mainframes and combatting the viruses in the world of code. They live as ordinary people, but they're much more than that.

They don't seek glory, but they deserve it.

The battle between virus and Glitch is never-ending, but it's becoming worse. A few months ago, hundreds of viruses attacked the main city server, the largest attack this city has never seen. The mainframe was saved but a Glitch died in the process, giving his life to save the city.

Since then, our defences have been weak and the viruses have known this. They've been attacking ruthlessly, forcing the Glitches to keep them at bay while trying to repair the damage done and restore the lost files.

They're our last line of defence. Our only hope against the viruses.

And the viruses will do anything to destroy them.

I don't have much to say here except that once again, this is the sequel to System Failure, a book that was originally created by Littlewolf65, and I was allowed to finish writing it for her. The plans for this book are primarily based on a lot of ideas she sent me about what the second book would be like, so here we are.

Other than that...

Enjoy guys!

System Reboot (Sequel to System Failure)Where stories live. Discover now