Chapter 6

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Today was the ceremony and so far Jungkook had managed to keep his thoughts of Jimin at bay by doubling the amount of training he did. This had him focusing on his physical pain over the thoughts that popped up every now and then. 

He woke up early, convincing himself it was because he needed to help Seokjin with his hair and not because he wanted to dress up a bit. Jungkook had dressed up for first ceremony and after that he would rock up with a basic shirt and jeans but today there was this internal nagging telling him he needed to look good. 

"Jungkook!" Seokjin screamed whilst opening his bedroom door. 

"Oh, you're awake." He smiled about to the leave the room but he stopped turned around dramatically. 

"But why are you awake huh?" Jungkook rolled his eyes, when his hyung yelled at him for sleeping now he's being yelled ta for being awake. 

"You wanted me to help you with your hair." 

"But you didn't have to wake up now for that now did you. Oh! I see what this is about, you want to dress up for Jimin don't you?" 

Jungkook was red with embarrassment, he was caught in his own lie. He threw a pillow at his hyung hoping he would go away. 

"I'm not dressing up for anyone in that family. They will never take me seriously if I show up how I usually do." Jungkook argued. 

"Excuses, excuses all of them fake" Seokjin sing songed before leaving the room.


Jimin on the other hand was ecstatic. He would be able to see Jungkook today and not just from his window. When thinking back Jimin had never really noticed Jungkook at the previous ceremonies but maybe that was because he barely ever lifted his gaze from his shoes. 

His cousins Jennie and Lisa had arrived yesterday and were given the dressing room to ready themselves, so Jimin was sat on his bed with Hoseok helping him with his makeup. 

"I don't like them at all. Lisa kicked me in the shin yesterday and Jennie keeps pulling my hair." Jimin knew his cousins were mean, they had bullied him along with the rest of his family since they were pups but he didn't think they would pick in Hoseok. 

"I'm sorry, Hobi. They'll be gone by tomorrow morning so maybe just try and avoid them until then." Jimin knew even if he told his parents about the girls behaviour they wouldn't stop them because Hoseok was a commoner. 

"Hoseok what's your family like? You haven't told me much about them" Jimin asked randomly realising he didn't know much about the other omega. 

'I don't want you to change the way you treat me that's why.' Hoseok thought but he figured Jimin would find out one way or another. 

"Well, my father left my mother when I was born. There was no particular reason why besides that he had found another omega." Jimin's expression dropped and Hoseok shook his head. 

"It's okay Minnie... After he left, my mother found it difficult to provide for us both so we had to move into the more shady areas of town. Now that I work here she only works on job instead of three but she's quite old and I'm sometimes I worry that she might get hurt." Jimin hugged Hoseok tightly. 

"It's one thing to be a commoner but its another to be a bastard as well. My family is as low class as it gets Chim and commoners love to take advantage of that. The treatment I get here isn't half as bad as the treatment I'd receive back home. Getting a job here was one of the best things that have happened to me." Hoseok explained. 

"Hyung, I know I can't do anything about it now but one day we'll help your mother." Jimin whispered, offering his pinky to seal the promise. Hoseok smiled, locking his pinky with Jimin's. 

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