Chapter 36 | Opposites Attract

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"Their short," she deadpanned, "and why are you standing on the table, get down now."

Bora immediately nodded and got down, muttering a very quite sorry. This woman really was intimidating...

Yoongi gave Hoseok a glance, before turning back to Moonbyul who was still staring at him and the other two.

"How long have you been in the organization?" she asked them.

"About a year and a half," Jimin answered, his back fully straight from his nervousness.

Moonbyul nodded. There were two people behind her, like body guards. She walked towards Bang's office, the two following after her.

"So that's Moonbyul?" Jimin whispered.

"She was worse when she met me and Tae," Jungkook approached them, "especially because we were really young and inexperienced."

"Must've been tough," Bora emphasized with them, "she's really scary."

"That's what you think now," Namjoon spoke, "You'll warm up to her."

"She still scares me very much," Taehyung shivered.

"Well what about the other lady?" Bora asked, "I think her name was Solar?"

"That's Moonbyul's girlfriend, her literal soulmate." Taehyung answered, "Like how Jungkook and I are soulmates!"

Taehyung winked at Jungkook, only making the other roll his eyes in return.

"What's she like?"

"The complete opposite of Moonbyul. They do say opposites attracts," Namjoon answered.


Moonbyul was in Bang's office, looking through the files and what not. She recognized the footsteps behind her. Her beautiful girlfriend.

"I missed you so much." Solar backhugged Moonbyul, nuzzling her face into Moonbyuls soft, silver hair.

"I-I told you not to be all love-dovey with me in front of others," she scolded. A flustered expression evident on her face.

It was a good thing no one was here to see the blushing Moonbyul. It would ruin her reputation.

"I couldn't help it," she pouted, "Like I said before, I missed you."

"I missed you too," Moonbyul muttered shyly.

Yes, Moonbyul was very intimidating and dominant, but only Solar can make her flustered. Solar was like an angel sent from heaven to take care of Moonbyul. At least, that's what she thinks. They have been in a relationship for a very long time. They met in the organization, when Solar first joined. Solar would socialize with everyone, including Moonbyul. At first Moonbyul was very annoyed and she hated it, but she had gotten use to Solar's behavior and soon enough, fell in love with her. Moonbyul would get extra clingy with Solar when it was just the two of them. You would think Solar was the clingiest. Nope, it's Moonbyul.

It was a romantic love story that they hope to tell their kids some day. That is if they have kids. They couldn't get each other pregnant of course. They were either going to adopt, or use someone else's sperm. But they settled with adopting.

"I met a very nice lady who owned an orphanage," Solar changed the subject, "we should check it out."

"I don't know if I'm ready for adopting yet," Moonbyul shook her head, "I just became boss of the organization. I still need to settle some things."

"Of course I know that," Solar laughed, "I meant after. Not like the orphanage is going anywhere."


It's been quite a few weeks since Moonbyul shook Bang's place. She was doing very well as the boss, as expected from everyone. Today was her first mission as the boss of the organization. Now that YG and DT were gone, BlackSpades became the most popular mafia. The leader went by the name BM. It was too bad they wouldn't hold the position for long.

Moonbyul put her gun into the holster on her waist, Solar doing the same.

"Ready?" she asked Solar.

The brown haired female nodded, "Ready when you are."


"Our main goal is the leader," Moonbyul said into the earpiece, "Take him down, we take the whole mafia down with him."

They were meeting BM for a trade at the docks. Well, Solar was meeting him. Solar was pretending to play the role of a boss for an unknown mafia. The other members for the organization were hiding around the docks.

Yoongi was hiding with Moonbyul. His eyes widened when he saw someone come up behind Moonbyul holding a gun.


She quickly caught their arm, pointing it behind Yoongi without giving him a glance. The man shot his gun at his workmate behind Yoongi.

"Thanks for the warning," she thanked, "but watch your back."

Yoongi gulped and nodded. No wonder everyone held high expectations for the woman. She was a professional in this business. What made her such a professional, was that she used to work for the police. She quit though, finding that the organization was better for her.

BM and Solar heard the gunshot. In the quick second Solar looked at BM, he already had a dagger out. Before she could react, he lunged at her with the dagger. Solar quickly grabbed his arm holding the dagger, and flipped him over. BM was bigger than Solar making it quite difficult, but she had a lot of arm strength.

While that was happening, Bora was fighting against a blonde haired girl who was a bit taller than her. Jeon Jiwoo. She kicked the dagger out of Bora's hand.

"Bitch," she cursed at her,

Bora settled with her fist punching Jiwoo square in the face.

"Here!" Solar shouted, kicking BM's dagger to Bora, who grabbed it.

"Thanks!" Bora swung the dagger, to which Jiwoo dodged. She winced as the dagger grazed her a little, letting out a drop of blood.

Bora then kicked Jiwoo's stomach, knocking her into the ground.

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