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hola pendejos y pendejas instead of doing day in the life imma do life updates bc that's a lot of commitment

so let's start off with my aCaDeMiCs

so i'm currently doing bad in spanish 2 (even tho i speak the language) bc my teacher is a whole ass güera and doesn't understand spanish

i'm thriving in my world history class while everyone else has a C bc they're in AP and i made the smart decision of choosing honors


so we had a group project where we illustrate parts of the Roman Empire

and me and my partner chose the Jesus section

pretty easy right?

yes, very. but when your partner decides to skip world history for some reason which leaves you to present the whole thing by yourself isn't so easy

i got an A on it anyway (thank the gods)

today i got my ASVAB scores and I got a 23 (out of 100) with verbal and paragraph comprehension as my highest scoring and shockingly shop as my third.

i don't know anything about cars but hit your girl up if your car isn't working


so all of my friends are thriving rn and we have no problems

but i made this new friend and she's kinda judgmental

like i know i'm judgmental and i'm in no place to comment about it but thIS GIRL


so first she said my pen is ugly (like the ink color) and it's the most basic light blue anyone's seen

and then we compare spanish scores and she out here judging my 60% while she's doin fine with her 85%

she can shove her A up her ass

but whatever, she kinda started talking to me so idk what to do now

RoMaNcE 💗🤪🥰

so im over bush and now i have a new guy that i like

not saying his name bc you don't know who has this

but his code name is blueberry and i think he has mutual feelings but there's a cAtCh

he had (maybe still has) feelings for my friend and idk if he's using me or nah

oh well 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

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