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8:55 AM- lately i've been listening to Freddie Mercury's solo songs and idk why. but i'm not complaining


HAPPY EASTER (if you celebrate it ofc)

i'm not religious or anything but i still like easter sooooo

it's also the last day of Spring Break (for me) and i'm mega sad. it went by too fast


10:25 AM: my mom hid my easter basket in the dryer i can't-


2:24 PM: i just realized tiktok is vine 2.0

but i'm not complaining lmao there's some gold on that app


5:12 PM: tell me why i chose a 470 page book to read under three weeks for a project i know i'm gonna do bad on

but the book isn't that bad tho

if you need book recommendations, i highly recommended the Shade Me series by Jennifer Brown! if you love murder mysteries and forbidden romance you'll 100% love this series. i'm on book two and i'm oBSESSED


6:31 PM: i honestly don't want to go to escuela tomorrow like we're literally doing nothing.

we have a common day tomorrow which is where you go to all 8 classes in one day. the classes are around 30 minutes long.


8:30 PM: why is everyone so hyped on Game of Thrones? like i know that it's the final season but like i don't understand the hype

anyway goodnight


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