" i could get used to this "

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"welcome princess." stepping inside the mansion, i clearly felt like i don't belong here. i was in sweats with crop top and a zip up. i point to the floor, questioning him.

"i-is this your h-house?" he lets out a bitter laugh before he nods. i stutter due this shock. damn mr.thicc lips your rich.

"wonho-ah, take her to her room." what.
"come with me." he lets out his hand. instead i hook my arm around his. i could sense his cheeks turning slightly pink. i giggle beneath my breath.
"well, what are you waiting for? lets go!" i point upwards as i skip beside him. then we both foolishly skip together to my room.

i could get used to this.


Hyungwon POV

fools, i mutter under my breath. as i watch them both skip away. then i take my leave into my office.


Wonho POV

"heres your room." i open her door into one of other large rooms in the house. she looks at me then back at the room, pointing. her eyes wide like donuts.
"are you sure this is my room?" i nod.
"mr.chae told me this is where you will sleep from now on." then i flash her a smile.
"wait." i tilt my head.
"im staying here forever?!" heaving a sigh i just tell her off. 
"aigoo yulli-ah. just sleep and get used to the place. i bet mr.chae will give you some explanation by tomorrow." again i flash a smile. she groans, and just nods it off. closing the door behind her.


Yulli POV

it was by now the next morning. and believe or not, I felt like I have slept for like a week. I have never had such a great sleep in so long, damn. I wake up all wrapped up like a caterpillar in the covers, I could feel my hair all tangled and jumbled up like a tumble weed. my eyes barely opening, I get a knock on the door. suddenly I remembered. im not at home.       
"yulli-ah. are you awake? it's already 2 in the afternoon.
"t-two.. TWO IN THE AFTERNOON?!      
i jumped out of bed and scrambled to get up. rough noises made by me, could be heard from the other door. i stumbled, tumble, and trip hitting my head against the door. a loud bang being signaled.             "yulli are you okay? shall i come in?!" i was lying in front of the door groaning in pain. before i knew it the door busted open and hit me again.      
"YAH! ow!" i wail. he mumbles a little oops before he helps me up. i grimaced.

"well anyways after you eat, mr.chae would like to speak with you afterwards." i nod. i brush out a few tangles with my fingers. yawning i sluggishly go down the stairs looking like a disaster. as i trail down i see another guy who seemed to give me "wonhos-job" vibes. i wave at him when he shoots me a glance. his eyes softened an waved back, smiling. i smiled back. then i realized. wheres the kitchen.

by them i have reached the bottom and went up to this unnamed guy.
"uhm. excuse me but uh. do you know where the kitchen is."
"yup!" he definitely is more cheerful then what his body shows. then he walks off and i follow behind.

"heres the kitchen, yulli." he knows my name too?
"you know my name?"
"of course! everyone who works under the boss as a hlr member all the way to mlr member must know whoever the boss takes in." okay now i have a lot of questions. he hands me a box of frosted flakes along with some milk, and i gladly help myself. afterwards he hands me a spoon then rests his chin on his hand.

"okay! one: whats a hlr and blr member? two what do you mean 'whoever the boss takes in?' " he then gets up from where he was leaning on seconds ago and crosses his arms.

"hlr stands for highest rank member, which is me and wonho. along with our i guess you could say manager or leader, shownu. then a mlr stands for mid rank member. which would be the rest of the members in these ranks. theres only few as passing from blr, which is beginner rank member, whom must go through a lot to become a mlr. you gotta gain the bosses trust hard. so the rest of the members are all blrs, although some are better than us." my spoon stuck in my mouth. i tried to process the information i was just told.

"ah! and im minhyuk!" oh. i forgot people had names for a second.

"minhyuk?" he hums, looking at you.

"what exactly are you guys....?"

"we're a mafia gang. rank 1, under our mafia king. Mr.Chae Hyungwon."

i drool out my cereal.

"the, monsta killers."

perhaps i couldn't get used to this.

cringy name i know but itll do.

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