"For fuck's sake Louis, and quit it Jake" I reply storming up the states following the calls for my name.

"What the hell was that," they say to me the moment I enter our bedroom, shutting the door before sliding down the door smirking to them.


I'm watching everyone react with each other at Lola's first birthday, she is being passed around from group to group her eyes trained on me, I think it's so she knows that someone familiar is around and that she will be okay. I see her being put down so my mom can show her off to our family.

I take a long steady breathe watching the rest of the kids chase each other in the medium-sized backyard. My anxiety is running wild, especially since what happened last time we were at a function like this.

I feel a pair of arms snake around my waist, engulfing me from behind, I inhale his scent, and I relax back into him, so he puts his head on my shoulder, kissing my neck.

"Everything okay?" he whispers in my ear, and I look out in front of me where Billie and the gang are having received Lola, they tickle her belly, Jake notices my face and nods at me, so I nodded back.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I reply

"Are you-" he starts but the doorbell rings, he looks at me sheepishly before I nod and he scurries off to the door, I assume it's one of the many guests that have still yet to arrive.

I walk over to my friends and take a seat next to them hugging Ava close to me, I turn around to see who is taking Gayson so long, and it's not a guest for the party it's the highschool mean girl and his ex Annabelle Rose.

"What is she doing here?" I say out loud and everyone turns to me so I point to the heated conversation

"I don't know" they reply, I get up to see what is going on but Annabelle huffs and Grayson shuts the door, sighing loudly before storming back to me a fake smile plastered on his face.

He smiles brushing it off pretending that his fight with his ex-girlfriend and the school bully didn't just happen, I look at him, but his smile never changes, he pulls me close to his waist and I know he wants me to forget it, but it leaves me unsettled and I don't know what to do.


6 Months Later

I groan leaning back against the toilet seat flushing away my misery, it's worse enough that my kids vomit but now me. It's not long before I am joined by my boyfriend,

"Everything okay?" he asks

"Yeah" I reply and he hands me a wad of toilet paper to wipe my face "Thankyou"

"If you're sure I need to head to work soon," he says

"I'm sure- now get in the shower," I say ushering him into the shower part of the bathroom, he laughs and I grab my toothbrush squeezing out some toothpaste before I hear Ava call my name, followed by food

"Duty calls," I say walking out of the room with the tooth-brush half sticking out of my mouth

Once the girls are settled and eating breakfast I sit down taking a break, taking a deep breath I feel dizzy and my back is killing me. I smile handing Lola a piece of fruit for her to chew on, whilst I get a call from Billie.

"Hey Bill," I say

"Aves, do you have any of the period medication left?" she asks me

"Uh, I don't know, I'll check" I say, looking at Lola who has known abandoned the piece of fruit and is watching the cartoon that I put on for the girls as well, I know that they are happy so I run up the stairs pecking Grayson on the lips while he heads off to work.

"You okay?" She asks me

"Uh yeah" I say stopping mid stair to regain my composure "I'm not feeling too good"

"What's your symptoms" she replies, and this is classic Billie, especially since she's now I nursing school she plays nurse all of the time- but in a good way.

"Ugh dizzy, nausea and my boobs hurt but that's probably from my period" I say reaching the top of the stairs

"Um" she says trailing off and I know she's thinking.

"You still there?" I say into the phone not hearing Billie talk for a while especially since she rambles all day long, and especially since it's an area of her expertise

"Yeah, I'm just in a lot of pain from my period" she replies breathing out, not giving a diagnosis. I check in the medicine cabinet and I have a full box of the medication left.

"Um, I have a whole load left," I say and my stomach drops, it all fits in, the dizzy spells, vomiting, back pain, I'm pregnant

"Oh cool, I'll just pop over or something," she says "Aves?" she asks after I am silent after a while, but I can't seem to speak

"Billie, I think I'm pregnant"

"You're what!?" she says follows quickly by "that's what I was going to say but I didn't want to freak you out"

"Bill I have 3 kids" I start " we have money but barely" I ramble staring to hyperventilate

"Aves, listen to me, you are going to be fine" she starts "I'm going to bring you a test"

"Fuck," I say running a hand through my hair, but  the bell on the front door rings, and I know Grayson just left so I have to answer the door.

I splash my face with water, re-tieing my hair, putting Billie on mute, before gliding the stairs taking large deep breaths, I swing the door open not expecting to see who I see.

Annabelle Rose the highschool, mean girl, standing on my porch smirking at me, could this day get any worse



this story will contain:

---- Swearing (which may cause offense)

---- Sexual content (as in references ya nasties)

----Moments that you will either laugh or scream


2019 @ehardwick04

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